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Hey all you wonderful Patrons 👋

I’m plugging away at a fun fall-themed 2 page bimbo tg comic but I wanted to ask you if you’d like to see the roughs for the comic before I release it? Obviously that would give away the surprise when the final comes out, but I know people like seeing the process of it all too!

Which would you prefer?

  • Upload work in progress pages and get a glimpse under the hood?
  • Wait and upload the final when it’s done and pretty?



I post my roughs after I've posted the final images so I don't spoil the story, but I'm curious if people would prefer it the other way around... After all, people tune in to BSB's streams whenever he's working on a new comic


Yeah I’ve always thought like you do in terms of not wanting to spoil the story. Curious to see others opinion on this too!