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Fightful spoke to Becky Lynch at WWE's WrestleMania Kickoff press conference.

Lynch spoke about her book and said it was something she'd worked on for quite a while and went back to. She tried to be as candid and fair and honest as possible, and did not want to hold anything back. She said if she portrayed anyone as an asshole, she hopes it's because they are one.

Regarding she and Rollins jockeying for WrestleMania main events, she said that she views it as a healthy competition in their household. She believes that Rollins deserves that, and would love to watch it happen, but at the same time, he hopes the same for her.

Becky Lynch confirmed Fightful's report about her contract, but had few words. She said that she was passionate about the work she'd done and wanted to look at what the best set of circumstances were for her in talks with WWE. 

She doesn't think Marko Stunt could beat Rollins


David Carr

Seth is main-eventing Night 1. Sorry, Becky.


I'm curious... why make this dickish comment instead of you know... keeping it to yourself?

Matty Nice

"She said that she was passionate about the work she'd done and wanted to look at what the best set of circumstances were for her in talks with WWE. " does that mean that not re-signing is a possibility?

Dan Morrow

I appreciate the contract coverage, but in the case of Becky and Seth, I don't think there's any chance of either of them going anywhere (besides the bank) come contract time. Seth has been the portrait company man forever and Becky is one of the biggest stars they've had. TKO has the resources to keep them around and I don't think anybody believes it's going down differently.

Matty Nice

the only think is TKO has a history of underpaying stars, also think about the Perks Becky as a mom would get working for a company like AEW, less travel so more time with her kids amd more money

Desmond McDade

I sure hope not, but until it's confirmed a new contract is signed, anything is possible.