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Fightful Select caught up with AAA, NWA, and MLW veteran Sam Adonis for an exclusive interview.

Fightful’s Sean Ross Sapp spoke with the former Trios AAA Champion on several topics, including his contract status with AAA, working in FCW, and his brother Corey Graves of the WWE.

The conversation kicked off with Sean asking Sam if there were any aspirations to join his brother Corey Graves in the WWE. Sam told us, for the longest time, that he avoided being associated with Corey. The reasoning he had was of having to hear people say, “You only have this because of your brother, and in a certain sense, a lot of people don’t take note of me because I am just Corey Graves’s brother.”

Sam added, “Sometimes, I feel like I could save burning children from a building, and I would still just be Corey Graves little brother doing it.”

Sam told Fightful that now he feels he’s reached a level where people take note of what he’s done in his career. Sam also said that he’s gotten older and that he and Corey are closer than they were for a while.

He also said that his big goal is to be in the WWE or take over the entire United States Wrestling scene. Sam told us that he had a contract with the WWE when he was 21, and it did not end well.

Sam confirmed the Fightful Select report that Graves is cleared right now but does not know any of the circumstances surrounding it.

Sam told Fightful that he does not have a contract with AAA and is grateful that he’s had a career without needing to sign a contract. Sam says his word is his bond, and he’s wrestled for multiple companies, and they have all been on handshake agreements. The nearly 16-year veteran told us he is open to any and all future opportunities.

When the topic of his release from WWE came up, Sam told us that William Regal helped set him up with All-Star Wrestling in the United Kingdom shortly after his release and that he has kept in contact with Regal through the years.

Sam said there have been times in the past few years when he contacted companies and began communicating with them.

Sam mentioned the viral clip of him kicking Microman, that he sees it like four times a day, and that even his friends from High School, whom he hasn’t spoken to in over ten years, contact him about it. He enjoyed working with MLW and said that Konnan was the one who set him up with them. Sam left MLW because of conflicting dates.

Sam also told us that he is more of a character that needed to be seen with a microphone. He said to do a lot of work on the microphone, and MLW was where he could do that.

Regarding AAA, he said that wrestling fans love the Luchadors and wished AAA had more visibility or accessibility for the fans in the United States.

When discussing the AAA/CMLL War, Sam said the war between the two companies cost him some dates with New Japan. Sam said it had always been his dream to work for NJPW, but unfortunately, things between AAA and CMLL cost him significant opportunities.

Sam talked to us more about his FCW days. He said he was 21 and mentally not ready to be there. Sam mentioned his class had some of the biggest stars, such as Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, Big E, Dean Ambrose, and Bray Wyatt. Sam said they knew he was not ready to be there but was willing to work to show everyone he deserved to be there.

Sean mentioned to Sam that he is always interested in the behind-the-scenes aspects of the Royal Rumble and Battle Riot matches. Sam said he had a blast when asked about competing in MLW’s Battle Riot match. Sam said Court Bauer was great to him during his tenure in MLW.

When they were wrapping up the interview, Sean asked Sam what people should know about Sam Adonis. Sam said that working as a heel is truly a selfless job. He says he is a better heel than he is a better face. Sam wanted to implore people to give Lucha Libre AAA more of a chance and wanted people to know it is a variety show like fans watch here.

You can follow Sam Adonis on Instagram and X at @RealSamAdonis.



He's a really good arrogant cocky heel, I loved his stint in mlw.


Now I'm curi--first of all, it's fucking Twitter. Secondly, now I'm curious if Corey may come back into wrestling at all, given I recall hearing he's off the no contact list(I think it was from you guys) for a bit. Either way, I hope Sam gets enough continued success that he'll be able to step further out of Corey's shadow.