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A whole LOT to talk about tonight, including a Survivor Series that has been good but almost entirely uneventful (UNTIL THE VERY END), including a great Women's WarGames match that didn't really change anything, to Gunther taking WAY too long to finish off the Miz, to a Men's WarGames match with a (currently) missing Randy. (RANDY EVENTUALLY SHOWED UP)

No CM Punk yet, either, for those of you wondering. (WHAT? I SAID "YET.") (Edit: Well this changed)

Over on the TNT, there was a three hour block of great AEW in-ring action, with some very cool story developments along the way.

We're gonna dive into ALLLL of it. (INCLUDING THE PUNK STUFF)

Remember, even though most of tonight was good, Everything Sucks.

Let's talk about it.

Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVc6VB_el7k


Steve Gargus

If wwe wants punk so bad they can have him and aew is forever


The first 30 seconds of this is exactly how I feel 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣