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In the interest of eliminating confusion as best we can, I’ve decided to do a written CM Punk FAQ, as he’s naturally going to be a huge topic ahead of WWE Survivor Series. If you have more questions, feel free to drop them below.

Q: Is CM Punk going to be at WWE Survivor Series 2023?

We've not reported one way or another that he will or won't. He's not featured on any graphics, rundowns, plans that we've heard of as of yet. We've heard nothing as of today to indicate he is, and so far, only solid information that would indicate he isn't.

"Plans change" is an oft-made fun of thing, but that's the nature of scripted pro wrestling. It can be scripted to change, and often does. Karrion Kross wasn't signed at the start of the week when he returned. Will Ospreay signed his AEW contract after arriving at the venue last week. Dakota Kai was contacted for a return the day before Summerslam 2022.

WWE's claim is that CM Punk won't be there. Punk's claim to friends is that he won't be. This does not permanently close the door.

Q: What HAVE you heard about CM Punk and WWE Survivor Series?

WWE was expecting to be asked about CM Punk at the WWE Fastlane post-show presser, where talent and Triple H were prepared ahead of time on how to answer the question. Triple H was planning on kindly shooting down the rumor, according to WWE sources with knowledge of the situation. When that didn't happen, Fightful was contacted by a WWE higher ups on October 9 after we debunked a twitter rumor that Punk was signed. A WWE higher up said that not only were WWE prepared to shut the rumor down at WWE Fastlane, that there had not been talks, and there were not plans for CM Punk to appear at WWE Survivor Series. They also indicated they didn't want to set unrealistic expectations for fans going there.

We can say that Triple H has had the opportunities to shoot it down during media availabilities leading up to Survivor Series, which definitely surprised us considering the stance of his we were told of after Fastlane. That being said, it was stressed to us that they didn't want people buying tickets thinking that they would see CM Punk, and most all of the tickets were already bought up at that point.

Ibou of WrestlePurists also reported that he was told by those close to Punk that he wasn't working Survivor Series as of early November.

We have followed up with WWE reps and higher ups numerous times since then, and they claim their stance hasn't changed, as recently as this past Monday.

Q: Why would WWE tell you? Wouldn't they want to keep it a secret?

If it were happening, they absolutely would not reach out to me to say it was happening. If I found out on my own, the particular people that contacted me would almost certainly not confirm it. I've been approached by higher ups to confirm that people WOULDN'T be at shows in two instances. One was Bray Wyatt in the spring when he was ill, and another was confirming our report that Randy Orton wouldn't be at Summerslam, after there were incorrect reports of both showing up "soon."

Q: Why do they keep teasing it?

I asked the same thing when I spoke to a higher up. My exact quote was "unrealistic expectations are set because of the references on WWE TV, whether there's plausible deniability or not." I was told that those talent are not clearing those lines. It is worth noting that the references on commentary completely stopped after WWE Fastlane. Nakamura did occasionally use the GTS.

Triple H had told some in the company that fans were finding things that weren't there.

Q: Is there anything else important to this situation?

Top talent were outright told that CM Punk wasn't coming in for Survivor Series when they asked. This include talent that are at the level and in situations where it wouldn't make sense to lie to them, and wouldn't be beneficial to a great locker room.

Key names in creative have outright been told that he's not coming in, and there are no creative plans for him that are known by the rest of the team.

Punk told at least one person close to him that he was speaking with a WWE higher up recently, but no context of that conversation was provided. 

Q: What do talent think about him?

There's still plenty of heat on CM Punk. There would need to be some amends made. There were some optimistic when he appeared backstage at WWE Raw earlier this year and spoke to the Miz, and shook Triple H's hand. Then the unfortunate unfolding of events in AEW didn't necessarily keep that feeling lasting long.

Q: Is CM Punk's Shinsuke Nakamura's open challenge opponent for Survivor Series?

As we write this, Nakamura is not booked or advertised for WWE Survivor Series. Last year's show was at 5 matches, and this year's has that right now, too. When we asked Wednesday, we were told that Nakamura wasn't listed to travel to the show Saturday.

Q: Well who is Nakamura talking about?

I don't have a clue. Talent I've spoken to doesn't know, and people in creative don't know. If you want something to perhaps hold on to hope for, I do find it strange that it being kept so quiet. One talent we spoke to theorized it could be someone from Japan, and one source in creative assumes it's someone new, but nobody we've heard from knows.

Q: Then why all of the Nakamura teases?

Nakamura using the GTS and being particularly ominous is the most I've seen that could indicate Punk on WWE programming since Fastlane. I've spoken to people in the company that didn't think there should be ominous teases when the rumors about Punk are running.

Q: Lol ur getting worked, mark. They're all lying to you.

That's not a question. We've conferred with over a dozen sources, who we've had years-long relationships with and no motivation to lie. The relationship between wrestling companies and media in an official capacity is not based on lying, working or anything like that, as it is not productive long-term for the company, outlet, or the audience. We've certainly never been contacted by a company to further a work or lie in that capacity. If that were the case this time, we'd certainly ask for an explanation of how and why that happened.

Q: Only CM Punk, Larry, Triple H, Nick Khan, AJ Lee, and Vince McMahon would know if this was happening!

Possibly! Which is why we're at least relaying what two of those people have claimed thus far. Claimed!!

Q: Did CM Punk have a meeting with WWE board members?

No, and one was never planned. I confirmed this on the WWE side, and Ibou of WrestlePurists confirmed it on the CM Punk side. I've since confirmed that Punk told people close to him that  such a meeting was never planned or discussed.

There's also not a WWE board, it's the TKO board

Q: Have WWE and CM Punk had talks?

Not to my knowledge. As of September 29, we were told that contact hadn't been established, and that there were feelers out to WWE to gauge potential interest. A member of creative was told in early November that talks had not happened.

Q: Would CM Punk go back to WWE?

Everything that we've heard indicates that he's open to it. People close to him say that he would.

Q: Does CM Punk have a non compete?

We've not learned one way or another. I am cognizant that he said "he had a lot of free time for the next two months" after his first public appearance post-AEW. However, we never gained additional information on if that meant he had a non-compete.

Q: Is CM Punk the AEW Devil?

If CM Punk is the AEW devil, it would be a major work on everyone in the company. Many in the company know who the devil is planned to be, and claim it isn't CM Punk.

Q: Why do you keep shooting things down? Do you hate CM Punk?

No. I'm reporting news. CM Punk is a fascinating performer, and one of my favorite to watch. That doesn't mean we can slant coverage to imply he's being signed. If that were the case, there would be 2 Cold Scorpio signing rumors all the time

Q: What's the chance he ever goes back to AEW or WWE?

AEW is highly unlikely. Anything is possible in any scenario. Far worse things have been overcome.

Q: Could he go to TNA or NJPW?

TNA has communicated their interest in CM Punk, and have enjoyed having him at their shows. Yes, he could absolutely go there if he chooses.

Based on Rocky Romero's answer to Fightful weeks ago, it would appear the door is open to NJPW as well. Romero said that he and NJPW would likely give Tony Khan a heads up about it, and they think it would be okay.

Q: What is your percentage that Punk is at Survivor Series?

25 percent? Anything is possible in pro wrestling, and we're reporters, not fortune tellers. We're not, never have and never will be privy to all information.


Steve M

Is Royal Rumble a possibility?

Chris Fultz

This is a neat format

Aaron P

Thanks for this, I appreciate the effort it takes to deal with all the swirling rumors and unreasonable attitudes toward the situation.