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There are many questions regarding the Devil in AEW, as well as the masked assailants that appear on the show.

On a recent Fightful show, the panel were speculating whether or not the people that have been under the mask in the segments are actually who is planned for the eventual reveal. Multiple sources reached out to confirm that is the case, and that several people within the company know the identities, but have done well at keeping it quiet. You may remember in the case of Retribution, not only were the eventual reveals not the people under the masks originally, but the talent themselves had no idea for a while they were planned for it.

Those that we’ve spoken to are of the belief it isn’t CM Punk, and saying that it would be a huge work on those in the know if so. It goes without saying, but he hasn’t been portraying the person under the mask.

In case you’re wondering, we’re told Dr. Britt Baker DMD hasn’t been under the mask, either, so her comments within interviews this past week were not a swerve, if people in the company are to be believed.


Christopher Cummins

I think a great curveball group would be the reuniting of the elite/bullet club. Cole The Devil. Young Bucks Kenny Hangman other men

Samantha L. Sayre

Could it be part of MJF's old crew, The Dynasty...Alexander Hammerstone and Richard Hamilton?

Jimmy 'Big Sexy' Genslinger

I'd love for that to happen, but I'm afraid not enough people are familiar with them and it would be considered a "let down"...though not to me. Plus, none of them look big enough to be Hammerstone :)

Brittany Catterton

What if it's bobby fish 🐟 and kyle O'Reily 🐉 and wardlow 🐺 and shawn spears🪑? 👀


I think there is an outside chance it is Tony Khan. He is having everyone go after MJF to try and take the belt off of him before January 1st and having a CM Punk MITB situation.