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- The announcement of the Continental Classic was kept very quiet. The announcement wasn't shown to the live crowd.

- The backstage segment between Kenny Omega, Chris Jericho and the Young Bucks was actually filmed last week.

- Serena Deeb has become somewhat of a regular backstage at AEW Collision, we're told.

- Sammy Guevara was originally planned for the Street Fight, but Brian Cage replaced him. We’re told that an original name for the match was the “Final Boss Battle” Street Fight.

- As reported by Kimmy Sokol, Butcher and Blade are still with AEW, per their agent.

- For those asking, Parker Boudreaux is still with All Elite Wrestling.

- In a very timely scoop, we're told Scotty Too Hotty was the producer for the 2019 NXT Halloween Costume Battle Royal. Bronson Reed dressed as Reed-Kishi. We probably should have posted this during Halloween week.

- In a rumor killer, there was a rumor going around wrestling Instagram pages that Randy Orton was slated to win a major title after his return, but we've been told that hasn't been broached.


Joel Pearl

My scoopz seeing the light of day 9 months later 😍

Raymond Slover

What's going on with Danhausen?