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Grizzled Young Vets aren’t quite free….yet.

Though it was recently reported that the former Dyad were already free agents, they aren’t technically free and clear just quite yet. Though they did appear to finish up with WWE, sources in the company said that the team’s contracts actually still expire in mid-October. The duo are expected to officially leave the company at that point.

Rip Fowler and Jagger Reid, also known as Zack Gibson and James Drake asked for their releases earlier this year, but had them rejected by WWE. We’ll work to learn more details, but as we’ve heard things, the contracts are actually set to officially expire on October 14. They were not let go as a part of the recent WWE releases



I don’t get it. If someone doesn’t want to be there and you aren’t really using them enough why not let them go? Unless there’s a financial hit they would take I don’t see why keeping people that don’t want to be there around is beneficial.

Matt Hennessy

Sean PWINSIDWR is reporting that the belief within WWE is that Vince McMahon is no longer involved in creative & Triple H has been knighted by Endeveour. That Triple H going forward will be making 99.9% of the creative decisions going forward


Wherever they land, I sure hope they have a better run. ROH definitely could use a shot in the arm with their tag division.