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We've got a lot of MLW news coming your way.

- Mance warner actually bit MSL's foot after the Kiss My Foot match

- In other news, we're told Jacob Fatu almost missed the most recent tapings, but ended up getting to the show, where Rickey Shane Page won the title. He was limping and in bad shape after his match.

- MLW is also set for their second wave of action figures, which will include Microman and some ex-MLW guys, including EJ Nduka. The design and manufacturing of figures takes quite a while, so this was planned and signed off on by talent like EJ while still with the company, which is why they’re still in the figure line-up.

- Cesar Duran, the former Dario Cueto, is expected to return in early 2024. He's been out filming the Mayans spinoff to Sons of Anarchy.

- Don King is also set to film more with MLW this week for Fusion TV.

- Some of the roster will also be realigned for upcoming international dates that they need to make.


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