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AEW fired CM Punk and literally replaced him with a newly healthy Bryan Danielson within the span of like 5 minutes.

Other stuff happened on Collision, too, and we'll definitely get into that, but there was a little thing called WWE Payback tonight, I don't know if you heard about it.

It sucked.  Well, I guess there is the possibility that Seth and Shinsuke turn in a modern CLASSIC in the main event, but other than that, yeah. It frigging sucked.

Even the things that didn't suck, SUCKED.

Everything sucks. Let's talk about it.

VIDEO: https://youtu.be/VsfTbjWRg0g


Fluffy Panda

I have a feeling Bryan Danielson is more respected then Punk

Ryan Plaisance

"Everything sucks. Let's talk about it." Na, I'm good... I don't need that in my life.

Ryan Plaisance

Well that is what I usually do. I have never actually listened to that show. Everytime i read the description, it is just so negative that i have no interest in it. After so much negativity from just the descriptions, it gets to be exhausting.

Troy A Palek

So don't read the rundown. Then you will have no idea if they think its sour or not. Lol


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