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Fightful Select caught up with Zoey Stark recently. We spoke with the former NXT Tag-Team Champion for a few minutes and spoke on various topics.

Zoey told us how her life has changed since joining the main roster. She told us it changed dramatically because she is traveling every week now. Zoey knew it would happen but never prepared for it. Zoey did tell us that she mentioned that there had not been any travel woes.

Zoey told us her reaction when she discovered she got called up from NXT.

She said she broke down; there is footage out there where she was trying to hold back her emotions. She said when Apollo Crews hugged her, that is when the waterworks began.

Fightful asked Zoey Stark how it’s been working with Becky Lynch and WWE Hall of Famer Trish Stratus. She said to us that Trish Stratus has been absolutely amazing. She has been a mentor inside the ring and out. Regarding Becky Lynch, she said Becky is amazing and a great, welcoming human being, and she's been helping me along the way.

Regarding the current creative process and who she's working with, she said she’s sitting back and watching how it goes. She mentioned that if she has an idea, she goes to Trish, and they will discuss it.

In closing, Zoey told us she’s felt since returning from her injury and can go all day when we asked her if she had any hesitations because she wears a knee brace. She said the only thing is a Dragon Screw. Zoey said there's something about it.  She knows it’s safe, but in her head, it just looks weird.

We asked Zoey about her comments in an article The Messenger had regarding the tryouts the WWE held in Detroit. She said she does not have anything against outside athletes getting into wrestling. Zoey wants those who get into it to do more research. She gave an example of what one would do if they get a job interview, do a little research, and that’s all she asked.



Before she got called up, I never expected for this to happen. Happy for her, and I’m excited to see what she does going forward.


I like her analogy, comparing it to doing research ahead of a job interview. Makes total sense!