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CM Punk and Jack Perry are suspended, per SI and Bryan Alvarez.

There was word early Monday that both Perry and CM Punk were suspended pending an investigation of their physical incident at AEW All In. We'd heard rumors of a suspension before it was said that some top names had even spoke to CM Punk themselves. Bryan Alvarez posted the news on Monday, which Sports Illustrated confirmed on Tuesday.

This affects immediate plans for creative, including this weekend's AEW All Out card, where Punk had been planned to perform. There is no word on the length of the suspensions. 

In an update: we're told that CM Punk at least has not been informed of a suspension.


Matty Nice

Punk got himself suspended from his Chicago show , screwing over his biggest fans in the process

Zachary Ament

Punk is so much more trouble than he is worth at this point

Shaun V.

This dude is problematic. Will TK ever learn?


I did this as a reply but feel it's better on its own. What I take from everything I've read. Punk pointed out using real glass was risky to Perry which there's nothing wrong with pointing out. The next time glass was used with Perry it was real and he decided to point it out onscreen. Whether it was only intended as a nod at the reports as others suggest or actually was a snipe at Punk... it was taken as a snipe by Punk. Punk reacted poorly. Both feel to blame though because Perry even if he wasn't intending to take a snipe at Punk... did he think Punk wouldn't react like this after all the drama caused since last year? Perry didn't need to risk poking the bear and Punk should have led by example and not gotten physical. So count me in those not showing either any favor here. The biggest show they have done is not the time for a young guy to be a little shit winking at the camera or the older guy to be a prick. Put your co-workers and the positive legacy you should want to leave for the show first. Now forever All In will have this ugly side-note.


You’d think a week with such loss and tragedy in the industry would’ve put all this petty immature drama into perspective for these guys... 💔

Talk About Your Psalms Talk About John 3 16 Femboy 3 16 Says I Just Licked Your Ass

I don’t understand how anyone can defend Phil at this point. They give him leeway and don’t care that he goes out on Live Television and makes his opponent look like a total bitch by calling them to the ring, when they’re not even at the show, or by shitting on their supposed inability to sell merch after the show, which any person with a modicum of knowledge of how the internet works, is aware that video will spread amongst wrestling fans on social media. But somehow someone saying “it’s real glass, cry me a river” is grounds for getting pie faced and choked because “they were asking for it.” Pathetic. Fire him, and if there are grounds for it, sue him for good measure. He has brought nothing but ill intent to his tenure with AEW.


Look in my eyes what do you see? An entitled cry baby I’m full of anger, I’m right you’ll see. I’m the victim of everything that happens involving me. Oh, I’m the entitled cry baby

Jenlifer Fronester

What I hate so much is that he has crap impulse control. That leads him to buck societal norms in ways that are absolutely, undeniably good--he loudly supports trans and reproductive rights, and particularly in places where it is taboo to do so as loudly as he does. I love him for it, and wish that others were as loud and as open about it. But that same lack of impulse control also leads to him getting into stupid situations and stupid fights and running his mouth in really counterproductive ways and torching bridges that shouldn't be torched, and I legit would not want to work with him or anywhere near him because that contrary streak also seems to make him a very difficult person to know. I didn't take his side in Brawl Out and it sounds like everybody involved in this one is kind of an asshole, but Punk is to blame for the sharp escalation. It sucks because I really like him as a person, but dudes has got to go because this is absolutely bonkers, and it all stems from the same things that make me like him so much.