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Hey guys! SRS is traveling so JImmy Van will be doing a q&a this week.

SRS can also feed some behind the scenes answers as well if you have wrestling news questions.

Get your questions in!


Kyle McManners

Hey Jimmy! Is there any chance that Roman beating Cody at WrestleMania was due to WWE’s attempts to get into “sports betting?” Cody was a huge favorite at a lot of books, and I’m wondering if that was WWE’s attempt to show that they could protect their results to potential sportsbook partners.


Hey Jimmy how many layoffs do you think will happen in the WWE once the merger with Endeavor goes through? Thanks for everything Fightful!


Do you see a time where Cable providers switch solely to a internet/data model where you pay monthly and get bundled streaming services rather than paying for cable tv?


Did AEW settle for less with all in card because they had secured so many ticket sales? I am sorry but half the matches are multi man matches or matches with legitimently no real build. It feels like a Saudi show—- a massive house show with one or two story based matches. I can’t help but feel if ticket sales weren’t that high Tony Khan would’ve made the elite vs CMFTR a reality.

Danny Valentin

For Jimmy: Do you think that in 2023 that local advertising makes a difference in ticket sales?


What do you think is AEW's smartest business play so far, their biggest missed opportunity, and who are the three wrestlers on their roster that you think they are sleeping on?


Any creative plans for Tamina? I miss mother.


Are there fears rollins back may be as severe as Randy’s?


How would you handle CM Punk if you were in Tony’s position.


Apart from Toronto, where is your favourite part of Canada? My wife and I visited in '16 from Australia, but now we have two young girls and would love to bring them over one day.

Will Thornton

Do we know which matches on the All In card are the ones Tony was suggesting would be changing? Saw Rey Phoenix was rumoured as one who couldn't travel, not sure if that's correct. Thanks


Hey Jimmy! Tony Khan mentioned that he would love AEW to be on the MAX app ... is this truly a possibility? Is it a benefit to the wrestlers if AEW ppv goes to the MAX app?


Hey Jimmy, what do you think the biggest strength and weakness are for both AEW and WWE?

Nick O’Shea

While AEW isn’t a publicly traded company, is Tony Khan required to disclose who all the corp officers are? Basically who are EVP’s and such and does Punk have ANY non wrestling role


Not wrestling related but Jimmy, how did you make your fortune and is it something that is replicatable?

Jordan Miller

Any update on Brian Pillman Jr?

Barron Hudson

When the merger is done do you believe WWE will sign Free Agents not already in the company???