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Hey guys! Q&A time


- I will try to answer the questions I know. Your question isn't wasted if I don't. It shows me what I need to ask around about.

- 1 question per subscriber

- No "are you a fan of?" "fantasy book this" "top 5" or "favorite" questions please! We try to keep these as newsworthy as possible

If you're a new subscriber, comment your question below. I'll delete the field after I'm done recording.

For aggregators and news sites: If you seek clarity on anything I say on this show, reach out to me and I'll help as much as I can.

Thank you!




What is AEWs plan for Collision night before ALL IN? They are advertising Dynamite on the 23rd in Duluth as the final stop before ALL IN currently.


Any elite contract news?

Matthew Hooks

Will we get the graphic that Billie Starkz is All Elite?


Will Bryan Danielson or CM Punk ever work a ROH ppv?


Sort of an opinion follow-up to yesterday's report on the "banned moves list" - if this change had not been reported publicly, and was kept completely internal, do you think the viewing public would've noticed huge differences going forward, or do you think that only now that the change is known it will be really noticeable? I guess I'm longwindedly asking if you think this really changes a lot in terms of the company's matches going forward.


I noticed that Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne had similar segments in their respective storylines involving Kiana & Lyra. Is it possible to think that NXT is slowly teasing a Toxic reunion?


Hi Sean! Will danhausen be back in time for all in?


What injury has Marq Quen been dealing with? Any update on his progress?


Do you know when Paul heyman's contract is up? Any chance AEW scoops him for creative/ consulting?


Hey SRS. I noticed Bryan Danielson doing the yes chant during his match with Okada. I know when he first joined AEW, he mentioned he wasn't allowed to do the chant, as it was WWE's property. Has something changed since then?


How “suspicious” is that these banned moves document sees the light of day on network negotiations? Do you see this as WBD interfering in creative, is this the first step of AEW going “corporate”?

Mac Gomez

Hi Sean has there been any company that have interest in jordan oilver or kc Navarro


Have you heard of anything else possibly being added to AEW Fight Forever in the near future excluding stadium stampede? Could include certain wrestlers or features?

Brian Bayless

Is Ashley D’Amboise still under an AEW deal? She hasn’t appeared anywhere in AEW/RoH in a few months and removed all company references from her social media bios

Jason saurbaugh

Can you confirm if Brian Pillman Jr was at PC recently?


Hey SRS - with the more PPVs, so you think the TV specials will be adapted (eg. Beach Break, Road Rager, Blood and Guys, etc.) or do we get new PPVs? Hopefully it shortens the length of them!!


Do you think part of the reason WB discovery has been aggressive with getting AEW programming is because of the writer’s strike and they’ll need programming because of that?


Is it possible that All In is a house show or would they never waste that visual? At what point does that become a possibility?

Matt Hennessy

Any creative plans for Lashley or Gargano. Do you see them both returning to tv soon. Johnny with a DIY reunion & Lashley as a challenger to Reigns


Hey Sean, thanks for all the hard work! What do you perceive is the reason that AEW hasn’t stated how we’ll be able to watch All In so close to the event? Seems like you’d want that info out sooner than later.


Any word on Eric Young ever performing for WWE? Also, what is Gargano's status?


Any update on the status of Red Velvet?

Hunter Carroll

With WWE bringing back some CFO$ themes could we see more brought back or is that just a case for certain people? And also is it hard to get the rights to them.


Do you know if Drew McIntyre wanted to stay face


Do you think Mercedes mone could appear at All In?


Do you know of any backstage reactions in AEW after Kennys interview, where he defended the Tiger Driver 91 spot from Forbidden Door?


How does Tony Khan feel about losing his Booker of the Year award to Will Washington?


What’s going on with Seth’s interviews recently? Personally feeling like he should invest in decent character work if he thinks he’s the top guy rather than complaining. Coming off tone deaf to me.

Matt Colton

Hey Sean just wondering how much input do the networks have in selecting a venue for a PLE? With 2 upcoming events happening in Detroit and Indianapolis both w/ racing themes I can’t help but believe Peacock isn’t behind it w/ Fast X, Twisted Metal, & The Mario movie all streaming on Peacock the synergy is nuts!


Did you watch Breakker vs ilja ?


Hey sean any news on that "Big surprise deal" for the NWA that Corgan teased about? is it Fox related?


Any word on the last minute changes to raws main event?


His character work on screen is incredible. I’m not worried about what he does off tv, but that’s only my take of course, also I feel it’d be different if Roman was ALL he talked about, when it seems it’s just a beat he hits and moves on to me

Jeffrey Pollard

Do you know who Scott D'amore's partner is for Slammiversary?

Jonathan Corona

Hey Sean have you heard any news about wwe running shadows at the msg sphere in Vegas because with Andrew zarian said that wwe might be running shows at the msg sphere you got any news on that Sean my awesome friend


Will we see any call ups after summerslam. Feels like guys like bron should be called up


Where there plans in place for a women's B&G before Hayter's injury?


Seems like Rhea is treading water in terms of her Title ... Any opponents set up for her on SummerSlam?

Barron Hudson

WHAT is the latest on Eric Young did he leave WWE