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Welcome to our Forbidden Door SCOOPS THREAD!! Feel free to discuss the show below

- We're told there's been concern Adam Cole was banged up after his match with MJF, but he's still expected to appear on TV. He is actually out of tonight with an illness.

- There was consideration of having Tom Lawlor face someone else on Forbidden Door main show but it didn't end up happening. Serpentico vs. Tom Lawlor was a dark match before the show, with Lawlor winning. This was a very last second decision.

- Giulia referenced the "Forbidden Door" this weekend. As mentioned recently, AEW had indicated interest to Stardom in using her in the future.

- Not that this is any surprise, but sources on the NJPW side expect Forbidden Door to continue as a tradition moving forward.

- Britt Baker traveled into town last night but hasn't been announced for the show as of yet.

- Before the broadcast, Christian came out with Luchasaurus to heel the crowd.

- Thunder Rosa is at the show.

- Gedo has been at Dynamite, Collision and Forbidden Door.

- Kenny Omega & the Young Bucks and CM Punk were put on completely different sides of the building at Forbidden Door, we're told.

- Toni Storm had her nose busted during her match.

- Ospreay and Omega's spots were both blade jobs.


Trevor D.

Not able to watch tonight and tend to lean more towards the WWE end for my entertainment, but I hope you all enjoy the card tonight!


for a guy who certainly had a period where he thought he’d never wrestle again, i love it for christian that he’s so confident this isn’t his farewell tour yet that he’s heeling it up in his hometown

Andrew Bates

Bummed for Adam Cole :(


Hopefully Lawler gets the match with Adam Cole on Dynamite or collision or something in the future


I have to go back and watch the WK17 match, but this match may be better.

John McNeill

That "tiger driver 91" looked absolutely sick

John McNeill

Yeah might need a replay for the first one but yeah I think they might have just topped it


Hope Kenny is okay!

Glen Flanders

Is that how the Tiger driver looks? Looked like he dropped him right on his head.


That was the Tiger Driver 91. The version Kenny normally uses is the Tiger Driver 98

John McNeill

The tiger driver normally is a sit down move (ie piledriver with an underhook) will sat down like a tombstone it didn't really give much protection


TK the mad man did it. He got "Final Countdown".


This PPV is clicking on all cylinders.

John McNeill

This is the best aew ppv since......forbidden door 1 (BTW I'm not saying the rest have been bad in anyway but something about njpw and aew really does click well)


It goes without saying, but Danielson is the best at scaring the absolute shit out of us with his selling.


Great match between Danielson and Okada. I could see them running it back at Tokyo Dome in WK18 since I don't think Okada is winning G1.


"Kenny Omega & the Young Bucks and CM Punk were put on completely different sides of the building at Forbidden Door, we're told." Do...does Tony really think he can keep this going for the rest of their careers?

Stacey BookSavvy

We walked by Yujiro Takahashi as we left the afternoon Toronto Blue Jays game.

Devin Cox

Incredible PPV. One of my all time favs. Now I’m hoping for NJPW DLC in the Fight Forever game.


Wait, what legal issues? Who filed a lawsuit?