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- Liv Morgan is scheduled to be in London this upcoming week for Money in the Bank. WWE sources had feared she may miss the entire Summer.

- Despite not being booked for WWE Money in the Bank Omos, Tamina, Elton Prince, Kit Wilson, Rick Boogs, Lacey Evans are all scheduled to be in London for media.

- Nova, also known as Simon Dean, recently underwent hernia surgery.

- Per internal live events reports, Smackdown was the highest grossing event in Lafayette, Louisiana in WWE history.

- There are other NJPW talent traveling in to Canada that haven't been announced for this week's shows.  There are also set to be at least one change to the card.

- Fightful has a lost interview with Dakota Kai and IYO SKY coming up this week.

- Smackdown will be taped a few hours ahead, as it's live in London this upcoming week.

- Chris Van Vliet will be filling in for Sean Ross Sapp on List & Ya Boy this week. Righteous Reg is filling in for him post-MITB. SRS will likely call in to that show ahead of the press conference.

You guys definitely asked for it, and we've got it -- more Elon Musk vs. Zuckerberg odds from BetOnlineAG

"A semi-scientific Twitter study conducted over the past 36 hours shows who America is rooting for in the "Musk vs. Zuck" cage fight.

The entertainment and gaming website, BetOnline.ag, pulled every tweet, hashtag and direct keyword phrase from Twitter about who people would be rooting for in a potential cage match between Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg. For example, #TeamElon, #TeamMusk, #TeamZuck, #TeamZuckerberg, etc.

In total, nearly 100,000 tweets were collected and analyzed.

Those results were run through a geo-tracking program that showed which states each post came from. The fighter most associated with those keywords and phrases then "won" that state.

Zuckerberg is a sizable favorite in terms of the fight odds, but the results show that America would be rooting for Musk. It’s not much of a surprise as Musk is the more popular of the two tech titans.

In all, Musk won 36 states to Zuckerberg’s 14 states.

Alaska, Arizona, Connecticut, Delaware, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Utah and Vermont are the 14 states supporting Zuckerberg. Musk took the rest of the country.

Finally, there are some even juicier odds on the board surrounding the fight. People can wager on who the title sponsor will be, where the fight will be broadcast and the method of victory.

A Twitter/Facebook joint venture is the odds-on favorite to broadcast the event while Saudi Aramco and Qatar are the two favorites for the title sponsor.

The chances of either fighter knocking the other out...a disappointing +300, which is the longshot on the odds list.

Musk vs. Zuck Official Broadcast Partner

Twitter/Facebook JV     -300

ESPN                            +400

NBC                              +1000

FOX                              +1400

ABC                              +2000

Disney+                        +2000

Netflix                          +2500

Google/YouTube           +3300

ZEE                               +3300

CCTV (China)                 +5000

Musk vs. Zuck Title Sponsor

Saudi Aramco               +450

Qatar                            +500

Twitter/Facebook JV     +600

VISA                             +800

Alphabet/Google          +1000

Apple                           +1000

Coca-Cola                     +1000

Samsung                       +1000

GSK                              +1600

McDonalds                   +1600

Microsoft                      +1600

Toyota                          +1600

AstraZeneca                  +2000

Red Bull                        +3300

TikTok                          +6600

EA Sports                      +10000

Musk vs. Zuck Method of Victory

Judge Decision              -200

Submission                   +250

Knockout                      +300"


Ryan Tardiff

Musk vs Zuck is a big 'whoever wins we lose' fight. I hate Musk more but only by being more openly and consistently obnoxious. They're both brights on civilization as a whole. I am happy if they get punched but I'd rather it be by the working class than each other 🤷‍♀️


Elton Prince and Kit Wilson are also booked for the Snackdown before MITB but I'm glad they're getting to do media.

Jon Blain

I thought for half a second that it said you lost an interview with Kota and IYO and got very confused as to how you lose an interview


As a former resident of Lafayette, LA I’m happy to see more people going to the shows. Still pains me to this day I missed the rock back in 2013 when he unveiled the new WWE title. 🥲🥲

Troy A Palek

I'm 100% here for odds to hypothetical fights. Lol