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What's up you guys? Targeting 3:30 PM ET, or whenever Grapsody wraps up if it goes later!

VIDEO: https://youtu.be/PdwJilECLSc


Matt Colton

Was wondering if there’s a new edict for Sami to keep his shirt on? Noticed he hasn’t taken it off since Vince came back.


Possibility of Jericho v Sting 1:1 @ Forbidden Door. What does Mox Hangman and Bucks do at FD?

Matthew Hooks

How much time is left on contracts for guys like HOOK? Yuta? Garcia for AEW?


What do you think would consist of a "good" rating for Collision as the weeks go on? I would expect somewhere between the low of Rampage and the high of Dynamite, but I feel like Saturday at 8pm is an awful awful awful awful timeslot and they're going to struggle for live viewers, especially young live viewers, in that slot. Or does it even really matter, and WBD will just be happy to have live programming on Saturday nights?


What’s your prediction for the women’s match at FD2?


Why did AEW and Impact wrestling quit working together and what do you think are the chances of their working relationship being repaired?


Will there be a women's match at Forbidden Door? IMPACT? STARDOM? Willow vs Ruby for NJPW Strong Championship?


Goldberg? Who's next?

Jayson Major

Is there any truth to the rumor a while back that along with cm punk another big debut/return happens tonight is so Any guesses who you think?


What if anything have you heard on the rumored return of Carlito to WWE? Where does he fit into the roster/current stories?


Sean curious if and how the recent r/squaredcircle blackout has affected your online engagement and subscriptions? Thought you may be seeing a bump


Any realistic chance G.o.D gets signed to WWE?


Outside of the punk/KENTA match what other matches do you think might happen (maybe something you have heard been discussed?) at forbidden door that have not been announced yet? Thank you.

Justin Ackley

Have you heard of any talent outside of Punk who are slated to be pushed as the top stars of Collision?


Do you think there’s any chance Mercedes moné could appear tonight and challenge willow for FB next week? I have tickets for forbidden door and I’m trying to not accept that she won’t be there lol

Jeffrey Pollard

Do you think Ian Riccaboni will fill in for Kevin Kelly during the G1?


Does Gargano answer the open challenge and do we think this is the start of a push for him?


is grayson waller injured?

Jonathan Corona

Hey Sean just curious do you know when is wwe going to change their stage for the tv rights like raw and smackdown stage

Dennis Puopolo

Hey Sean, have you heard anything for a location of Blood & Guts this year?


Who would you put against Toni Storm at Forbidden Door?

the ncb41

A few months ago, the “IWC,” was saying that some of the WWE 2022 rehires were “underperforming.” Do know what was meant by that phrasing and in what way such as in-ring wise, character development, or just living up to company standards and expectations? Thank you SRS.