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Like sands through the hourglass….this is another CM Punk story.

On June 15, Wade Keller on PWTorch said “"I am under the impression between now and Saturday, there's going to be something that comes out that media wise that is not gonna help matters, probably. I don't mean to be cryptic but I haven't heard the details or seen enough to say much but yea, I just don't know. I just think it's gonna be one of those weeks, I'll put it that way...From what I'm hearing behind the scenes in AEW, it's just gonna be one of those weeks."

We’ve learned more about what this is in regards to.

Last week, Fightful Select reported that KENTA vs. CM Punk was the planned direction for AEW Forbidden Door. Shortly following that, we were told that Punk "wasn't thrilled with working with KENTA and he may come across badly in an interview.”  However, there’s a lot more to this than meets the eye, and that might have been by design.

There are a lot of facets to this that have unraveled since then that may become more clear. We’re told that an ESPN interview is supposed to drop sometime soon, where Punk was talking about a number of topics. Among those topics was The Elite, and word got back to several on the roster at the June 14 AEW Dynamite tapings, and some of it didn’t go over well based on second-hand reports of what Punk said, which could be seen as "his version of what is true."

We’re told that AEW did set up the interview and monitored things, but that CM Punk spoke in a way that would blur the lines, and create buzz for upcoming shows. Specifically, we’d heard that he’d answered questions in a way that would make the audience wonder if it was him angling for a story, or if he was shooting.

We've been told that Hangman Page was brought up in a manner that absolutely was not confusing in a work-shoot perspective, and were clearly intentional, and made very clear that he didn't like Hangman Page. Punk had said that there were spots in the Double or Nothing match that he felt like were Page "shooting" on him by chopping him in the face during the match.

We aren’t sure what eventually will make it into the final ESPN piece, but we heard that the interview was conducted last week. We’re told that Punk was very aware that it could come off polarizing based on his responses.

Recently, we’d reported that CM Punk was sent a series of documents that protected AEW, which included some non-disparagements.


Chris Kessler

Pro wrestler does a worked interview, shocker.


This is all just exhausting. I was so hyped for him to make his initial return and now I’m just tired. So so tired.

Jose Bautista

This is why I give Fightful five bucks and not other sites that say cryptic shit and makes you think big bad CM Punk burn your entire crop fields


Never work yourself into a shoot, brother.

Talk About Your Psalms Talk About John 3 16 Femboy 3 16 Says I Just Licked Your Ass

I don’t care anymore. If it’s Punk being his typical dickhead self, I lost my $50 bet on it taking him only 3 months after his debut to piss off the majority of the roster. If it’s him “working” I have no energy to care until it leads to The Elite (+ Ibushi) vs Punk and hopefully FTR/Starks (Tony has made me give negative shits about Wardlow)

Adam Frazier

Punk doesn't want to work with KENTA? Sounds like someone needs to grow up and be "professional"


no interest in cm punk.

Super Dave Osborne

Starting to wonder if this is all a work to generate interest as I don’t think they have received the response and engagement that they assumed with the return of Punk. I could be and probably am wrong but I wouldn’t put it past them


I’m so over all this Punk drama, but this just sounds like he’s trying to get people to watch Collision. I mean he’s probably going to open the show with a promo and this interview will just make some fans wonder what he’ll say.


Define "all." I wouldn't doubt if this specific interview was. But the whole thing wasn't

Kurtis Allen

Meltzer, Alvarez, and Keller...The O'Reilly, Hannity, and Carlson of wrestling media. This is gonna be fun.


This all goes to show the conspiratorial folks that if ever something dramatic happened that seems to be a shoot then it’s definitely a shoot! If it were a work then we would know it! That couldn’t be kept secret.


Ah boy, here we go..

Nick O’Shea

I hope all this Punk nonsense makes everyone involved zillions of dollars, but the guy is Ebola.


Let’s fucking go 🔥 Light the fire 🔥


all I want is for the Elite to resign and for amends to be made. That's all really. Oh and the damn game to come out in 2 weeks

B. Joseph

After the main event of Collision, CMFTR are celebrating in the ring, lights go out. Everyone thinks its the HoB. Lights come back on and its The Elite face to face with them. Place explodes.

Matty Nice

Punk is up there with Hogan as one of the softest Wrestlers ever. Imagine Flair, or Austin , getting so in their feels about an errant strike in a match. He should of manned up and hit him back like Lesnar did Strowman

Matty Nice

Tony should of had the balls to let Punk sit at home


It's all a work now


I've read tons of takes on the scrum. I read the well-written Fightful recap of events. I had a headache and shrugged my shoulders, saying don't have interest in drama. Sounds like more drama unless it's a work then who knows if it leads to more work or real drama. Shrugs shoulders.

e d

hooooo boy

David Feig

I think punk is coming back as a heel and this is just to drum up interest in the show, since it might need some help. I can't imagine he would shoot on hangman in an interview unless it was pre-approved. IF TK learned anything from the mess, is that CM punk leaks do seem to get the wrestling media ready to report, speculate, and..drum up interest in the product.

De'Lorian Diggs

That opening line for the article popped me extremely

Vain Valor

If he tries to bury Hangman yet again just get rid of him. Hangman is one of the biggest babyfaces in AEW if not the biggest, and having someone drag his name in the mud not once, but twice seems counter productive. CM Punks career is nearing its end, hell he was already retired for years prior to coming to AEW. Why let him openly damage a younger, talented wrestlers image unless this leads to Hangman beating CM Punk for a title or something in the future. CM Punk is about CM Punk, he doesn't seem to give a shit about AEW..


So the interview came out and... it's tame. Shoutout to Wade for drumming up all this outrage over nothing (again...)

Troy A Palek

😅😅😅. yeah I joke all the time that I've been trying to resign from work for years and they keep putting it a re-signing