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Vince McMahon is at WWE Raw in Hartford. 

Throughout the afternoon, there were rumblings among talent that Vince McMahon would be at the show. As of about 6:00 PM ET, many of the talent and staff hadn't seen McMahon, but did see a room being prepared for someone to work out of. That ended up being an office for McMahon. 

PWInsider reported shortly after 6:30 ET that Vince McMahon was backstage at Raw. Most of the staff and talent in attendance were not surprised by this, as Hartford is a fairly short trip from where Vince McMahon lives, and most do not expect him to regularly be backstage, as he's been fine making changes remotely in recent weeks. 

For the June 5 show, however, Vince was in Gorilla Position himself, where he was WrestleMania weekend. Of late, McMahon has been calling in changes, sometimes very close to the show. This has caused late rundowns to be passed out and some segments and matches to be nixed. 

We haven't heard of anything out of the ordinary, and were told the mood was much less hectic at the Hartford Raw than the Raw After Mania. 

Aside from that, internal reports indicated that the Raw in Hartford was the highest grossing Raw/Smackdown in the history of the market for WWE.

Since publishing this article, we've learned that Vince changed a significant part of the show just a couple of hours before the show. The event ended up being very positively received.



He must not have meddled much the shows been great


If he was changing stuff around it wasn’t bad. Great episode of raw!


I mean raw has been amazing tonight but it would be nice if Vince wasn’t there in any meaningful capacity

Brian Walmer

I think the closer we get to the merger becoming a reality, And Ari being his boss, Vince is trying his best to be on his best behavior, and not screw things up.


For the love of God, Vinny Mac Tonight, stay retired and stop being a sex pest.

Curtis Hinkle

I feel so bad for Alex, he leaves and VINCE COULD FEEL IT. So Vince fears Alex is what I am saying here. I think we can all agree.


It was lowkey a good show…Vinny Mac must have been on his best behavior

Kyle Longwar

Jesus christ i hate Vince just get away homie f off

Kyle Pribila

It was great show but whatever happened to Piper Nivea

Anthony R

This screamed Paul telling Vince" let me show you how to run the show right in this era"


Was the show changed or did he like try to make changes and they took Vince's advice but still rolled with what Trips had? Cause the show tonight was fantastic. Curious in what way the show was changed.

Matt Hennessy

So PWInsidwr mentioned that when it came to major changes for this weeks RAW Vince changed the match order & segment order of the show.


Show was good quality but not even relevant in regards to Vince. A sexual predator (+ the Rita thing that was even worse) who stepped down and went on to con his way back in, get richer and still has power and can casually come to shows. But since the roster are okay with it and a lot of fans are, I feel like I'm a piece of shit for being against sports washing or normalizing a sexual predator.

Matt Hennessy

That’s unfortunate about the match times. Just trying to be optimistic the show wasn’t rewritten completely & that no one’s match or segment got completely cut


Nobody wants that horrible human being Vince back and nobody is trying to normalize it. But there is a lot of good people and talent in WWE and they deserve the support soo people want to continue seeing and praising them. No need to try to make the fans the villains or trying some moral superiority thing. Nobody wants Vince. Also about the sportswashing I got some news for you there is literally not a professional league who doesn’t have some sort of it. Unfortunately it’s how things are


I don't appreciate you accusing me of trying to villainize other fans or have moral superiority complex... nor do I appreciate you trying to explain to me how things are. I'm well aware of how things work and when it comes to sports washing, just because it is what it is doesn't mean people should shut up. As far as supporting the actual good people still there, I DO TOO.


I stopped watching WWE immediately once all the stuff came out about Vince and him still working there. I don't care if the product is good. I won't watch a product that still has a predator at the top. Maybe when he dies, I'll watch again.


Im sorry if that was not your intention I interpreted it wrong I was giving it the reason why people still support WWE even with the demented perv back in. The point is he is the bad one not the talent and not the fans. Also of course we should criticize sportwashing but unfortunately it’s happening. Just look at the PGA tour and the saudis merging. It’s all around even not in sports and we have to be conscient of that


Except it wasn't, I responded what I did because I wasn't trying to villain anyone. Stop trying to paint me as the bad one here. You took things the wrong way. Do I honestly think all fans or people who work there want Vince? Nope. For their jobs, obviously people who work there have to be hush. Some fans speak out, others actually defend Vince and forget he's an accused rapist or that 'consensual' sex so someone keeps their job is not truly consensual. I said "But since the roster are okay with it and a lot of fans are, I feel like I'm a piece of shit for being against sports washing or normalizing a sexual predator. " because that is exactly how I feel after reading stuff about talent accepting he's back and the portion of the fanbase who actually apologist for that fucking piece of shit Vince. That does not mean I think everyone wants him there or supports him. Next time, maybe ask someone to better explain themselves than accuse them of something.


Fair enough, I redid my reply below to explain myself better. I mainly watch because I run a blog about two of the talents so kind of have to. I want to support the good people still there, even with the pains of dealing with portions of fandom. The sports washing I brought up actually because of the golf stuff. It happens, always will, and just is annoying. The people who live there largely are just good people who want entertainment so I can't fault the entertainers for doing what they do. I don't live there so I don't know what things are really like. I can only hope positive change can come.


Yah sorry for assuming stuff it was tottaly my mistake I’m really sorry 🙏🏻. Just hate when people say ohh Vince still has supporters because you watch the show. he doesn’t. People love the talent and like other people like triple h who works there. That’s why they watch not because of the old man. And yahh the sports washing thing is terrible that Saudi Arabia deal is still awful and should be criticized. But then you look at football and Ronaldo and Messi are gonna be playing in there league next year. It’s happening unfortunately


dude needs to RIP

Fluffy Panda

Seeds of Judgment Day breaking up... so much for Vince not interfering