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I really, really, really, really, REALLY hate the draft.

Kate probably does too.

I also hate everything else.

Everything sucks. Let's talk about it.

VIDEO: https://youtu.be/Iyr067YeE1o



Love all of Fightful and to each there own, but had to switch over to sour graps because I just couldn’t listen to Sean and Denise gush over dominik and his “nuclear heat” anymore lol, they’re just to positive for me, I need to hear other people rant about all these stupid decisions


imagine people enjoying and not enjoying what they want, and not tearing others down for it. what a wild concept that would be

Anthony R

It's what separates fans from trolls which all is on the IWC. It's like let's be negative and ruin how others feel.


Hence why I said “to each their own” not sure how I tore anybody down over it. I support and listen to all shows on Fightful and watch all the wrestling I can, simply just preferred Alex and Kate’s perspective on that episode of raw. Imagine being called a negative troll for making a joke on a SOUR GRAPS comment section about how overly positive they were being, sorry for hurting anybody’s feelings but lighten up a bit, it’s not that deep