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Mercedes Mone is about to be a free agent.

Mercedes Mone has no more dates left with Stardom as of this moment, according to members of her team. The two sides are open to doing more business in the future, and Stardom was said to have been happy with the deal, and the business she conjured up. We’re told that both sides have been open to doing business again in the future, but that it would likely require a bigger renegotiation after the business she drew there.

It was reported this weekend that there was an extension to her deal with NJPW/Stardom, but we’re told by members of her team that as of now that covers the May NJPW show in the United States. Sources we spoke to in NJPW weren’t sure how long the deal ran, but did say there weren’t matches scheduled in Japan for “at least a while" and didn't mention any specifically on the horizon. 

Mercedes has a busy day during Resurgence on May 21 as she has a signing at Atomic Crush Events that afternoon until 3 PM local time and will be running over to the venue for New Japan at 5 PM local time. In addition, we’re told that she’s been working on more television and film projects.

Those we’ve spoken to at NJPW and Stardom said positive things regarding Mercedes backstage, noting that it seemed like she has enjoyed her experience there.



Awesome seeing Mercedes do what she wants and have a blast the whole way.

Jeffrey Pollard

She wants the Kairi deal as Kairi isn't tied down to a contract

Insomnia Inc

Kinda sounds like AEW might be the only place that could really afford her, and if she signed there it's not like she can't do basically anything she wants. Feels like a no brainer if she's inclined. She's completely killing it right now.

David C

Agree. She could do 20 shows + PPV a year with AEW on great money then spend the rest of the time on international tours + entertainment work

Ethan Carpenter

WWE could afford her. And they might be inclined to offer her what they offered Bryan before he left


She's not going back, especially right now with how bad the women's division is & with Vince back in charge & the merger with endeavor.

Ethan Carpenter

Money talks loudly. If Triple H offers a big enough contract she’ll go back. Plus she has a great support system in place there with Regal and Hunter

Excellence of Flexecution

Mercedes vs Jade at Double or Nothing? That's 1 week after NJPW Resurgence.


Kinda reminds me of Mox's early "contract" with NJPW after he got out of WWE. As in he just shows up whenever he wants.


it's not going to happen but could you IMAGINE the scenes if she came back to WWE (I think she shows up at the Wembley show and is Jamie's opponent if I had to put money on something)


AEW needs to break the bank… no pun. They genuinely need a star if her caliber for the women’s division


A lot of people like to bring up how well "Sasha Banks" was booked in NXT and how good of a relationship she has with Hunter/Regal. I want to give perspective as someone who has worked in the corporate world for a good bit, a different industry, but I've been through 2 mergers and many overinvoled members of the C-Suite. You can work for a Manager/Director/Vice President that is has your best interest in mind and has always done good by you, but if there are higher ranking individuals that undermine their leadership decisions and force them to break promises, that "great support system" is absolutely meaningless. It actually becomes heartbreaking to watch someone you respect and even like as a person being forced to carry out subpar orders. Even ignoring the buyout- Hunter cannot make a single guarantee to Mercedes when it comes to her presentation/push/storyline now that he's "in charge of" Main Roster WWE creative. Mercedes has made enough money already that she can afford to go take short term deals and pick her spots. I'd be surprised if she signs exclusively to any one company for more than a few months at a time before 2024. A lot of WWE's contracts are coming up that year. AEW started popping off and WWE locked people down to 5 year deals. The best thing for WWE right now is to wait for her to come to them if/when she's ready. She got signed to WWE at the very beginning of her career. Barring an injury, she can only come back a more complete performer having had these new experiences.