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A big name was backstage at Game Changer Wrestling.

Trinity Fatu, formerly known as Naomi, was at the April 22 GCW show in Orlando.

We've reached out to GCW to see if she was visiting or if there would be more to her presence moving forward but weren't given any clarification.



Well there is something i didn't expect to hear today

Trevor D.

That girl loves wrestling lol


She’s just looking for a job

Ethan Carpenter

Since she lives in Orlando I’d guess shes just visiting since its a local show but could be something although with her abandoning the Trinity Starr trademark today its definitely interesting

Kyle Pribila

You know the trolls on Twitter will be putting her down for this


I'm not sure what you're referring to but trolling someone for making a career move that benefits them isn't precisely what most people would define as acceptable behavior. If you're talking about Seth vs. Omos then there's nothing wrong with it. Maybe Seth can bring something out of the guy that we haven't seen yet.