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As always, subject to change, and things can be added. Please do not screenshot and repost the entire post. We'll be updating this throughout the night

Rundown and producers

- Brock Lesnar vs. Omos: Jason Jordan & Adam Pearce

- Women's Showcase Tag Team Match: Petey Williams

- IC Title: Drew McIntyre vs. Sheamus vs. Gunther: Abyss

- Raw Women's Title: Bianca Belair vs. Asuka: TJ Wilson

- Miz and Snoop Dogg segment: Michael Hayes

- Hell in a Cell: Edge vs. Finn Balor: Jamie Noble

- Hall of FAME

- World Title: Cody Rhodes vs. Roman Reigns: Michael Hayes

Backstage News:

- Dan Engler has the referee assignment for tonight's main event.

- Other assignments include Chad Patton for Brock/Omos, Danilo Andfibio for the Women's Tag, Jason Ayers for IC Title, Daphanie LaShaunn for Bianca/Asuka, Shawn Bennett & Eddie Orengo for Edge/Balor

- The WrestleMania match rundown was finalized by Saturday night

- WWE has Shotzi's tank on site for her entrance

- WWE also brought over the Andre Battle Royal trophy, planned for an entrance, but Lashley isn't listed on the rundown.

- To no surprise, Vince McMahon is backstage again.

- The WWE sale is a huge topic of conversation backstage.

- Brock Lesnar is not listed on a specific brand.

- We will see even more cross promotional advertisement integration tonight.

- For those expecting a swerve, tonight's main event is listed as an "Undisputed WWE Universal Championship Match" with color coding to indicate it represents both Raw and Smackdown

- Bobby Lashley pushed to remain on the WrestleMania card, but it didn't end up happening.

- The Snoop Dogg/Miz situation was improv'd after Shane McMahon legit blew out his knee. Jessika Carr was heavily credited for helping guide it and Snoop Dogg and Miz were immediately praised by talent we spoke to for the spot. Shane was tended to backstage, and they had a camera on him for a WWE documentary as well. 

- Cody Rhodes' weight belt has all the companies he's worked for transcribed on it, including AEW, ROH and All In. The one exception is BAR Wrestling.


- Internally, Edge is listed as "BROOD" Edge.

- Not surprisingly, Cody Rhodes vs. Roman Reigns is slated for the most time of anything on WrestleMania this weekend.

- Solo Sikoa and Paul Heyman are both listed as accompanying Roman Reigns tonight.

- Edge vs. Finn Balor is slated to get a lot of time as well, second most.

- Omos vs. Brock Lesnar is set for the least amount of time. The women's showcase is budgeted for a segment slightly longer

- Bianca/Asuka and IC Title match are both set to get a decent amount of time

- Miz and Snoop's segment is slated for about the same amount of time as last night, when Miz ended up having a match.



Going to be a hell of a night. Thanks for all your hard work Sean! Enjoy! 🤘🏻

Trevor D.

Feel like Miz comes out in his gear and states he’s actually ready tonight and Bobby’s music hits and his face looks like he pooped himself

Kyle Pribila

Let's just enjoy wrestling tonight


Could Lashley be involved in the miz and snoop dogg segment


A Lesnar match being scheduled for the shortest amount of time, shocker


If La knight does not show up to beat on the Miz imma be hurt

John Horton

Not surprising about Brock vs. Omos. Brock doesn't like working longer than 5 minutes anymore and hopefully he'll be gone for a while.


Any chance Cody gets busted open tonight?

Troy A Palek

I'd say 75% yes but he better be great at hiding the blade cuz even Taker/Batista were fined for blading in their HIAC match.

heather icanhasapanic

compared to last night, it’s very kevin dunn-esque camera work


So did Shane legit bust his leg?

Robert Sears II

We missed so many good shots tonight, thanks Kevin 😊 🙄


Cody giving -1 his belt before the match got my eyes welling up