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Those in the company that we've spoken to say they expect "business to pick up" in April, specifically after WrestleMania. We've been told by several in WWE that having WrestleMania in Los Angeles around the time of a potential sale and rights fee renewals was a positive strategic situation for the company.

While a CNBC analyst said that Comcast is out on a potential WWE sale, Fightful had spoken with sources at Comcast with knowledge of the product. It was widely accepted that even though Comcast (via USA Network and NBC) have had a long relationship with Vince McMahon, that there would be no desire from their end to keep him involved in the company.

There were actually numerous sources related to rumored buyers who said that Stephanie McMahon could be a desired return. One source at Disney said "these companies are doing their due diligence, they're following the news cycles, regardless of their public levels of interest. They're aware of the things that would make audiences and staff happy. She seemed to bring a lot of positive to the company. The company's progression under Nick Khan was also played up.

One of the prevalent feelings is that WWE has had effective teams in place and that an acquisition would come as a major shot in the arm for whatever connected streaming service is involved. WWE has rights fees for Raw, Smackdown, PLEs and more coming up at almost exactly the same time.

It's worth noting that both to higher ups in WWE, and to those close to him personally, Vince McMahon has claimed that he would be interested in a sale that didn't involve him staying with the company. McMahon has also downplayed rumors of influence on creative to claim to those close to him that he is back to either sell the company or oversee rights fee negotiations. Virtually every source connected with a company that has been rumored to have interest was in agreement that if McMahon demanded to remain involved, it would negatively affect the sale price, leverage, and value of the brand moving forward.

However, there have been several red flags for talent and producers alike in WWE.

Fightful reported recently that there were concerns among talent that Vince McMahon could have a bigger hand in creative than has been let on. WWE reps have vehemently denied that McMahon is involved, and McMahon has claimed to those close to him that he's there to oversee either new television rights, a sale, or both. However, there have been some red flags that have caused more concern for talent.

Talent have noted that there are more rewrites the day of the show than usual under the Triple H regime. There have also been some strong indicators of characters and gimmicks being adjusted to a manner in which McMahon had previously preferred, that were relaxed or changed when Triple H took control. Some of these things have had an impact on morale. Talent have also mentioned that there has been extensive creative laid out, that was adjusted at the last minute. However, no talent we've heard from has outright been told Vince is involved beyond giving input. 

We've had constant information sent nearly weekly about a "Vince's office" sign being backstage in WWE at tapings. However, that was a sign that contains numerous directions of backstage locations that wasn't updated upon McMahon's departure.

It should be noted that creative is also insistent that they've had no contact with Vince McMahon directly, and haven't been told that any changes were from McMahon himself. When McMahon appeared in Boston at the episode of Raw in March, some claimed that he stayed out of the way, however, talent were quick to note he was in Gorilla, where all the performers saw him before walking out and upon coming back through the area.

We're told that both WWE and Vince McMahon are aware that a huge blow to talent morale could and likely would happen if he were publicly involved in creative. It should also be noted there is no "smoking gun" that Vince is involved. There are also several tells that indicate he's not -- the lack of constant rematches, and talent that he didn't like being used. 

A lot of these concerns were so openly discussed that they ended up making their way to the AEW locker room as well.



So Vince is just lurking in the shadows on some 👀 shit. Good reporting SRS..

Brendan Bdotlion Beal

This is positive news, I think they’re tired of having to reiterate that vince isn’t involved with creative. There’s just so much distrust that the masses will always remain uneasy. Every little thing they don’t agree with “Yupp Vince must be back.” It’s honestly annoying


Vince is back but can’t be official or else stock price might tumble is what I’m getting


Vince is definitely back.. they just can't pin him on anything because he's probably filtering it through his son in law.

John Horton

Will Vince just please GO AWAY. There is absolutely nobody that wants him involved with the product. Even his own offspring.

Scott Newcomb

If this went back to AEW locker room those with bad experiences with Vince, aka FTR probably not going anywhere.

Matt Hennessy

Honestly I’m starting to think Vince is just there to sell the company or negotiate the media rights. It’s one thing when publicly he says it’s another thing when he says it to people close to him in private conversations. He’s been back for nearly three months & he hasn’t really got to involved in creative. We know he gives input but really outside of Brock vs Omas nothing on RAW or SmackDown seems to have his finger prints on it. I know some will bring up the promo being done cause of the wrestler saying the word wrestler. But honestly if Vince input is one mania match talent reefed to as superstar instead of wrestlers & WWE calling the fans the WWE universe I’m honestly fine with it. It’s funny part of me thinks he’s ready to walk away but he didn’t want to go out on a low note with the alligators. So in his own head if he can sell the company for good money or get really good media rights deals for it he can go out on a high

e d

As long as Vince is around, regardless of what capacity, talent is always gonna wonder.


Man the PTSD is real (but totally understandable). Honestly, half the talent we see on TV wouldn't even be featured anymore if Vince was truly back, but until we see something where it clearly has Vince's fingerprints, I'm cool for now (like some Max Dupri stuff)

Ryan Martins

Thanks for the clear up sean i keep saying vince isn't involved in creative but people keeo pushing that narrative , it's dumb.


Yeah I agree, I chalk the last minute writing changes to it being mania season and everything being a bit more frantic, and maybe there’s just tendencies from vince hhh has picked up, but I’ve not seen anything to convince me he’s in control


This is such a good way to put it, realistically you can tell Vince isn’t in control but all the buzz is enough to keep me nervous


Vince: Am I really the problem? No, it's everyone else that's the problem. Edit: Wait, I just realized. I remember it was reported months ago that Cody vs Roman for the belts was off the table despite Vince wanting that. Couldn't that be a telltale sign of Vince being back in influencing creative?

Michael Organ

No I think this is just a smart decision by triple h. You make Cody champ and tell all the aew guys. Hey this could be you too.


Yeah, sure, like they're gonna actually do that with AEW guys when most of the WCW guys that jumped ship were largely midcarders. Hell, I'm pretty sure only 3 WCW world champions actually won a world title in WWE, and only one of them was a decent run.

Brian Walmer

It called "VINCE LIVING RENT FREE IN THEIR HEADS" based on what he's done in the past.