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In a huge shocker (see, that's a joke) he "Brand to Brand Invitational" is effectively dead, WWE sources tell Fightful. 

The move was one of many ideas -- Raw dark, Wild Card rule, no commercials during matches -- that WWE implemented in order to boost ratings, and it was quickly forgotten and rarely referred to. Intermittently when a wrestler would appear on an opposing brand, the "brand to brand invitational" would be referred to.

Originally, the rule was to allow a talent from each brand to appear on the rival show once quarterly. One source indicated to Fightful that the idea was met with plenty of dissent backstage in creative. One member of creative told Fightful that they haven't personally heard the term brought up backstage at all in 2022, and don't expect to hear about it again unless this happens to jog someone's memory. Another source that has worked near creative said that the rule hadn't been brought up in the Triple H regime, and even FOX and USA Network have relaxed their insistence on distinctly different brands of late. 

To clarify, brand split and stars crossing brands aren't dead. Just the weird rule.



If what I'm reading is accurate, it seems to say that the Invitational as a means to skirt the brand split is gone. They just...have people cross over where it makes sense, doesn't sound like brand split itself isn't actually ending.

Brendan Bdotlion Beal

Okay that does make sense, it seems that most people that have appeared on both shows have made sense storyline wise

Jeffrey Pollard

No the brand split is still a thing they're just not using the ""Brand to Brand Invitational" anymore the brand split isnt going anywhere


Granted, I don't regularly watch WWE, but not even in reports have I heard of this being a thing.


Fortunately google is around https://www.fightful.com/wrestling/resources/wwe-brand-brand-invitation-tracker


As usual, Fightful comes through. Thank you ^^