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Kofi Kingston, Xavier Woods and Big E aren't splitting up as a unit, even though they're already not together on TV in a lot of ways.

Big E has been sidelined with a broken neck, and now Kofi Kingston with an injured ankle but we're told that even before that, Vince McMahon made repeated attempts to split up the group while he was in charge.

Fightful has heard from multiple people who have worked on the WWE creative team that also said that it was made clear dating years back that the trio did not want an on-screen fracture. However, we're told that Vince McMahon himself has pitched the split multiple times.

One particular pitch came after a decree from McMahon that Kofi & Xavier not be referred to as "New Day" without Big E present, which lasted a few weeks. After Xavier Woods won King of the Ring, we're told Vince McMahon pitched a Woods turn on Kofi because "it's what a King would do," but Woods specifically fought to not do the turn.

Vince was also adamant that the trio be split in the WWE Draft in recent years, only to later be adamant they needed to be reunited. Another pitch for a split happened after KofiMania, but the group fought it. 

Some of the stories associated with this emerged after a former WWE writer Dave Schilling posted that Vince McMahon said "FUCK EM," to the WWE audience not liking the Kurt Angle vs. Baron Corbin angle or booking.


Juan Ortiz

That would've been fucking horrible had that happened. Glad New Day and even Xavier Woods didn't split up or did a heel turn against one another. Just another stupid creative idea from Vince McMahon.

Brendan Bdotlion Beal

I do want the new day to be heels once more, they were really good in that role


Every team doesn’t need a betrayal to split. They can mutually part and chase singles success (street profits) and then team up if necessary. It’s also wild to me to consider splitting them when they sold a lot of merchandise.

The Mayor Pete

Pitched a split? They literally split them in the draft.

Cameron Hutton

Wonder why people did not like Corbin vs Angle?


I believe they mean that Vince made the decision to split them in the draft (which happened) and then he went back on it.


I bet Vince saw the merch numbers the following quarter and was like ooooop

Kurtis Allen

Everybody knew Corbin was going to win and everybody knew it was a bad idea. Angle could've wrestled Styles, Lesnar, or anyone else he's had classics with. Instead they wasted his last match and nobody remembers it.

John Horton

Of course he did. The weirdo has always hated stables and tag teams for some reason.


The New Day has always shocked me with how they have remained a team for so long in that company. It doesn't surprise me that Vince wanted to split them.

Marshall Enloe

Of course he would, he hates seeing black people do well


Genuinely none of this is even the slightest bit shocking to learn. Man really loves splitting up teams and stables cause he doesn't wanna spend money elevating tag team wrestling, let alone have a tag team match main event WrestleMania.


Iirc, it's cause he'd save money on paying 2 wrestlers to main event instead of 4 wrestlers.


Because while it made sense storywise for Angle to face Corbin, not only did it not make sense as a retirement match, but it also was predictable that Angle would win on top of it being a match that was not good enough to celebrate the career of a technical mastermind like Kurt Angle. Hell, just look at how the retirement matches went for guys like Great Muta and Jushin Thunder Liger. They had stellar bouts in their retirement tours and it legit felt like they were respected for their careers, whereas Kurt's didn't feel like it at all.

e d

"fuck em" is the most Vince McMahon line ever muttered