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(Starting at 11:10 est)

They're slow-playing the hell out of this Sami & KO thing, which might not be a bad thing if they didn't suck at storytelling.

They're building this Cody/Roman match by insinuating that Paul Heyman is going to have sex with Brandi Rhodes. No, I didn't make that up.

We finally got that Ali/Ziggler match we've been waiting two and a half months for. It lasted two minutes.

By contrast, Edge vs Austin Theory has been allotted almost a half hour. Because Canada, I guess.

Everything sucks. Let's talk about it.

VIDEO: https://youtu.be/euChMWT9d0w


Justin Hesse

Normally, I would say you’re overly cynical. Tonight, you are right on the money. What a snooze fest.

David Feig

So a Brandi Rhodes /Dan Lambert Segment, or Brandi Rhodes having sex with Paul heyman. Brandi....really can't catch a break with her booking in AEW or WWE?