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Fightful Select has been informed that something "big" is set to go down at Extreme Rules tonight, at least by WWE's definition of it, as told to Fightful.

One pitch that we've heard involved a run in after the conclusion of the night's main event. We asked directly if it was Bray Wyatt, and weren't given a confirmation or a denial. In past weeks, Fightful was told that some kind of reveal would take place at Extreme Rules. For good measure, we also asked about Brock Lesnar, who one media member said they heard was going to be at the venue, however, nobody we'd talked to said they'd heard of him being at the venue. 

We'll have more details on our Fightful post-show immediately following the event, one way or another on what we've heard



I really hope it’s not Brock. It’s either Bray or bust at this point.


I was wondering if Brock Lesnar would come in and Daniel Cormier would FINALLY get his opportunity to kick his ass haha


There it is! It's Rey!


Brock Lesnar wouldn't be there unless he was involved. He's 100% gonna do something with DC, just like he did with Cain Velasquez a few years ago.

Cody Berntsen

DC been enjoying retirement too much guys. The run in isn’t Brock

Ethan Carpenter

Triple H isnt Vince. Hes not gonna send DC out there with only 4 weeks of training


I sure as fuck hope not. I’ve been looking forward to this reveal


I feel like it’s safe to ask about a Brock Lesnar return at a PPV even if Cormier wasn’t there tonight

Ethan Carpenter

I think Triple H is self aware enough to know that Brock would be a massive disappointment to end the show compared to the reveal of the White Rabbit


It'd just be a little run in, not like a build up for an actual fight. If he has enough time to rehearse his reffing, I'm sure he can handle a 60 second little run in