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WWE made some huge changes to commentary, and they've been in the works for a while.

Fightful was told heading into October that possible changes to the commentary team were looming. With the loss of Pat McAfee, WWE was already looking for a permanent replacement, and we're told they had decided to make some other moves. Now-former Raw commentator Jimmy Smith even noted that he realized on Monday he would be fired.

To reiterate, Jimmy Smith is completely done with the company, and was relieved of his duties as opposed to his deal running out. Most in the company felt he acclimated well considering he wasn't a big wrestling guy heading into his deal.

There were some other considerations for the commentary roles, and WWE even looked at some reels for outside options. We're told that the decision to move away from three-person booths was made, and that any of these choices could adjust based on the success of the teams, and they're not expecting to "force chemistry" if it doesn't work out. Everyone that WWE adjusted was under contract already, with the exception of Cathy Kelley, who was highly regarded among the new regime and sought out.

We're told by WWE sources that they'll still work with Pat McAfee "whenever he is available and wants to," and that he's incredibly well liked within the company.



What will happen once Pat McAfee return’s will Wade Barrett go back to NXT


Do we know if Nigel was released as part of these decisions or if he asked for a release?


Any word on Sarah Schreiber? I noticed she wasn’t mentioned at all when the news came out. Maybe an off screen role?


I actually liked Jimmy. It’s having a 3 man team that was an issue for me.

Brendan Bdotlion Beal

I just hope that pat returns to commentary and not just used for special occasions


She's still around, I saw her name pop up on some reports


Way too soon to tell right now. I imagine we'll get a clearer look when the college football season ends in December.

Brendan Bdotlion Beal

Idk that’s why I’m skeptical when they said looking for “permanent solutions” pat definitely should be on commentary


Jimmy wasn't bad, he just didn't add any value for me personally.


Kevin Patrick doesn't scream "Lead Announcer" more like a third wheel, Jimmy brought Legitimacy.

ARose Lab

Am I the only one who doesn’t care for Cory Graves on commentary? It’s so forced and contrived


I haven't really heard him on commentary but he brings a lot of enthusiasm in interviews and I'm gonna miss him in Raw Talk segments


He's the guy Jimmy and Corey pile on when Byron is gone lol. We'll see I'd rather Nigel


His heel cheerleading is rather grating, and not in the “boo, he’s supporting the heels” kind of way.


Perhaps they could Corey a different role, while Barrett goes to RAW once McAfee returns to SD on WrestleMania season.

Jake Salazar

Well pat is literally the biggest star they got


if i were to guess, mcafee will be on ppv commentary,


Yeah like Jack said, unless the PPV is in the same city as College Game day, I doubt we see pat until after the CFB Season.


ik, i meant when he came back. he takes corey’s place and it’s mcafee/cole