We Asked Kenny Omega To Say Nice Things About AEW Wrestlers, Here's What He Said (Patreon)
Note to aggregators: please do not use this transcript until the article posts publicly Friday.
Brandon Cutler: When I watched the match between Brandon [Cutler] and Peter [Avalon] on Dark, it was such a great matchup to watch on a program that doesn't go on our TV. I thought it was a matchup of the highest caliber that people were getting for free on YouTube. Every week he shows up in better shape and he's a guy that really wants it. A joy to have around, a fun guy to talk to and be around. All-around great human being and a great wrestler who is still developing and learning and growing. He's very underrated.
Britt Baker: She's such a fun character to watch on TV, a fun person to have in the back. Always willing to work hard, never complaining. The only time I've ever seen her complain is when she was doing rehab for her knee. She didn't like the STEM therapy. I'm glad she's part of our team and people are seeing how diverse she is as a wrestler, both with her character work and what she's doing in-ring. It also gave me a chance to see more of Reba, who always leaves me in stitches.
Colt Cabana: One of the greatest entrepreneurs to ever do it. When you talk about people that never count on anyone else and relied on their own skillset, and if they didn't have the skillet, they took the time to learn it so they could excel in what they wanted to do; that's Colt in a nutshell. A lot of people know him for his efforts outside the ring, whether it be podcasts or Pro Wrestling Tees, but he's one of the most accomplished and smoothest wrestlers I've ever seen in the ring. He's so seasoned and just one of the guys what, when we hired him, he was immediately TV ready. He knew exactly where the cameras were, how to play to the cameras, how to position himself and his opponent. An absolute ring general, one of the most technical guys to ever do it and to be doing it. very smart and pleasant human to had around.