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A heads up, Jimmy Van is out this week, so I'm doing a free, live Q&A in place of List & Ya Boy. Ask as many questions as you want, and I'll be doing an extra show this month to make up for this one being free.

Ask away, and if you haven't subscribed, do it!


Jonathan Ma

1) Should ROH just quietly scrap their women's division? We all want female wrestlers to get more opportunities, and there may be negative press from doing away with it, but isn't there equally negative energy from doing it badly? I mean they recently started integrating some Stardom talent into the title picture, but until they get consistently well booked and talented folks in spotlight matches . . . its just a sad sidenote.


Not sure if it's been brought up before, but more than ever I keep noticing a bunch of guys come across on TV with yellow spots all over. Is this just from oil, tanner, etc rubbing off during matches or what? Also, any clue if the production team is cognizant of this, as it is pretty noticeable watching at home.

Jonathan Ma

2) How's the G1 Supercard looking? This card is already sold out, we already know we're getting an IWGP Title match w/ Jay White, their new top guy; we're getting GOD vs Briscoes both both tag titles, we're getting Taiji Ishimori v Dragon Lee v Bandido for the IWGP Jr strap. Do they need another top tier match (i.e. the level of Naito v Ibushi for the IC Strap)? That feels like overkill, since there's likely going to be also Ospreay v Cobb for the NEVER and TV titles and something that i'm sure will be woefully disappointing involving the Kingdom. Feels like thats more than enough, and burning Naito/Ibushi is overkill

Rob Wilkins

How often do you think WWE plants information/news they want out in public?

Jonathan Ma

3) I believe Kevin Kelly on one of the NJPW broadcasts remarked that Zack Sabre Jr's build isn't just good for his grapple based style, but also good for injury prevention since he's not carrying excess weight. Do you think that a wrestler really can avoid injury be staying lean? ZSJ does have a much more "MMA" type build than the vast majority of wrestlers, and certainly a leaner build than most "heavyweights"


What is your favourite WrestleMania match of all time? Mine is Shawn Michaels vs Kurt and WrestleMania 21.

Jonathan Ma

4) If you were 20 something year old wrestling prospect, who's moveset would you adopt? Raw power, like a Strowman? Wrestling, like a Cobb, or Lesnar? Submissions, like ZSJ or Gulak? Aerial stuff, like Ospreay/Ricochet? Strike based, like a Shinsuke, or ibushi (although he has a damn fine moonsault)? Lucha? Additionally, which type of moveset do you personally enjoy watching, across promotions?

Jonathan Ma

5) AEW, by necessity, is employing alot of wrestlers who are contracted elsewhere . Jimmy Van has commented about how this is a drawback, because you're pushing someone that could very well show up on TV for someone else (your competition). When AEW starts their TV, do you see them tightening up where their talents are "allowed" to wrestle, and do you think thats going to get blowback among their talent? If they're smart, this is something they would have worked out ahead of time with their signings, right?

Jonathan Ma

6) Related to above - is it too early for AEW to invest in a training facility, like a smaller scale PC, to develop talent, whether really raw young wrestlers, or athletes from other disciplines like MMA, gymnastics, other other spots?

Jonathan Ma

7) Is there heat between Fightful and AEW? I notice that Chris Harrington wasn't intoduced by Cody as FIGHTFUL ALUMNI . . .


Any information on the superstar shakeup? Will it involve all brands? Any news on Kushida?

Jonathan Ma

8) In the five years or so they've been around, has WWE ever really developed a consistent rival for The Shield? Their debut , bigtime rivals were the Wyatts, and those matches were red hot fire. There was a fun angle with Evolution. And then . . . what have they done? The latest, hastily thrown together "reunion" was against some random heels for no stakes.


Also, I have read about Anderson and Gallows turning down offers. On NotSam he said they would take lifetime contracts if they could. Did something change?


Is it just me, or do you feel like Walter would be a big star on the main roster? Because of his size and how he is portrayed as a bad ass, I feel like he would work well. He does not even need to talk much.


Do you know when Becky Sasha Bayley Alexa contracts are up?


gut feeling do you think becky goes over at mania


Anything on a Rock Appearance at Wrestlemania?


better chance at staying with wwe styles or ambrose


do rey mysterio n other masked stars wear hood backstage all the tim

Eric Z

Any word on why they keep mentioning Ambrose not resigning on TV? Seems so odd.


Where do you see fightful in a years time? Is there anything you would have done differently if you could go back.


Sir can you explain to me how to get the breaking news and stuff cuz it seema to me unless im missing something you can see or read everything but these live posts on patreon on fightful main web page...im really confused amd new subscriber to fighful


What is the 2nd most popular MMA promotion after UFC? Where does Bellator rank in popularity?


Any updates on Aj resigning?


Who do you think would be the best option as Angles opponent at mania?


Srs do you think Wwe brings Sami, Bray, Harper back before mania?


Is it just me or does it seem strange Cole mentioned Ambrose not resigning like 12 times during fastlane


Srs any updates on a Fightful meetup in Vegas during double or nothing?


Who do you think faces Asuka at mania for the Sd women’s championship

Jonathan Ma

9) Building on prior Q&A submissions: In 2019, Will Ospreay has pinned Kota Ibushi (at the Dome), drawn with PAC, pinned Jeff Cobb, Dalton Castle, Davey Boy Smith and Bad Luck Fale. He got probably 60% or more of the offense against Jay White, the IWGP champ. Now, Meltzer’s japanese podcast guest (Fumi, i think) is reporting NJPW views him (not White) as a Kenny Omega replacement. Ospreay is 25 ish, Omega is 35. Do you project Ospreay as a top of the card, main event, face of the company guy for NJPW? Does he have the appeal internationally? He will own any building in Europe if he gets a big match, he’s over in Japan, and i think his PWG work guarantees him a certain chunk of fans in the US. If ROH had used him better, he’d probably be even bigger stateside. australia LOVES him, he helled build that scene Can he get to that next level? Given his twitter shenanigans, would u trust him as, say, a top 4 dude of your company? I think we already saw him build a smaller promotion up in Progress, but NJPW is an exponentially bigger stage

Brett Clendaniel

In your opinion, why do you think WWE has been so open and honest about Dean Ambrose’s expiring contract?

Charles Harkins

Is it me or does NXT have mostly 70% of the women on the independent scene?

Charles Harkins

They pretty much have most of the women AEW had on their radar which makes me think Canyon Ceman isn't talked about enough. What are your thoughts on him? Also, do you think Darby Alin and Priscilla are coming to WWE? Part of me assumed AEW, but with the addition of Stokely and Shane Strickland, it points towards WWE.


When are you going to launch Catful? - Definitely not submitted by Melisa

Charles Harkins

Do you think Triple H is informed about the things on the dirtsheets? I think he's very well on what's been said which comes through when he's doing the press conferences.

Charles Harkins

How receptive would Stardom and NJPW if NXT sets up shop in Japan? It may be war because I'm pretty sure Triple H will be raiding Stardom again, especially he can scout them during WM weekend.


What Happened with Eminem's people?


With the news that Tenille Dashwood’s ROH contract is set to expire at the end of month, do you see her staying with ROH, or do you think maybe she’ll sign with another company?

Jonathan Ma

10) In NBA and MLB, we hear about the agents. Mark Bartelstein, Rich Paul, Rich Kleinman, Scott Boras, etc. In wrestling, surely there are agents that work behind the scenes doing contract work for wrestlers, yet we don't hear about them. Why is that, and is that something that should be examined more closely, particularly in the current landscape?

Jonathan Ma

11) I believe we were headed toward a Gargano/Ciampa at Takeover Mania, given events of the recent NXT tapings. That's out the window now - so what do you do with Gargano and the NXT title? Mini tournament? a 3 or 4 way mess? Riddle is the obvious face of the brand waiting ot happen, but he's headed to a match with Dream.


Amongst Becky, Seth and Kofi, who do you see winning the gold at WrestleMania 35? Is Kofi's momentum going to affect the others as we can't have ALL our favourites win? you had mentioned the same thing in your podcast some days back


If you and Anna Bauert are going to review wrestling movies in the future, will you please review the classic that is No Holds Barred? It's worth it for the dookie scene alone.


Do you think any upcoming roster shake ups will affect Ricochet and Aleister Black or do you think Vince likes the idea of embedding NXT talent across both brands simultaneously? Is this an attempt to get them over to the wider TV audiences of Raw and Smackdown who may not watch NXT?


Where do you foresee Robert Strauss landing in WWE? His style of work may not sit well with workrate heavy NXT fans and Raw/Smackdown already have numerous stars that can't get on the show. Will he be a performance center coach for promos?


MMA Question: Who do you think will be next to fight jones


Wrestling Question: What has been you favourite PPV from the last 12 months ?


Who do you think will be the next Kofi or Becky Lynch someone who the fans get behind And push to the main event ?


What was the worst/boring interview you've done so far ?


Did Cormier have his WWE try out in the end and if so how did it go ?

Charles Harkins

Do you feel Triple H went too far with his booking when came to the Elimination Chamber? Yes, it was his creation, but did he have to win most of them?

Charles Harkins

I know many people aren't happy with how Finn has been treated recently, but can we acknowledge that he's probably the fastest or one of the fastest to ever win a World Title? I think Vince didn't book him the same way after injury because the response wasn't he hoped it would be when Finn returned.


Regarding the Harlem heat going into the hall... what is the first team that comes to mind as their rivals? For me, it's the Nasty Boyz. I'm not the only nasty Boyz fan from back in the day am i?


If trading happened in Pro wrestling (between AEW, ROH, WWE, NJPW) what is the block buster trade you would make as AEW to keep building the roster_card


With NXT bringing back War Games, do you think it will ever make it to the main roster and also do you see any other old WCW Special matches coming back to the promotion?


Any chance WWE sign Marty Scurll?


Do you think we will ever see Pyro back full time outside of Saudia and WrestleMania?


Thank You SRS, Great Stuff Like Always Sir, I Miss My FightFul Family So Very Much, I Hope To Be Back On Select, Within The Next Month Or Two, Mom's Hanging In There, One Day @ A Time, Thanks For The Therapy Time SRS & Thank You Sir, For Always Answering All Of Our Questions Sir, We All Appreciate It, So Very Much, Have A Great One & Take Care My Friend, John. :)


Any chance of getting an interview with Jim Johnston in the future? He’s been popping up a bit recently and would be great to hear more from him. He doesn’t get as much credit as he deserves for helping to get characters over.

Brett Clendaniel

Has WWE ever had interest in Mr Pec-tacular Jessie Godderz? He has the body of a guy I’d think they’d want and has much more mainstream attraction than most talent.