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If Becky enters the rumble only to be eliminated by the winning Charlotte, does Flair get the Roman Reigns reception?


As far as additional people being signed for AEW, who else could they sign and have a legitimate chance at right now, that would help get more fans in general or more mainstream fans?

Jonathan Ma

1) When is the long form interview on Jay Cafe dropping? Can we get a live reaction video from Alex watching that guy’s match? What other food based gimmicks does wrestling NEED? 2) did you catch ZSJ/PAC? Isnt it amazing how PAC has changed his style to work slower as a heel and still maintains some high flying, just more judiciously 3) Watching Rev Pro has drawn my attention to the smaller ring (i think 16x16) . . . I find it really off putting, as it looks almost comical to have a dude like Walter in it. Do you have any preference for or against certain ring sizes? 4) with reports about ROH having a bigger role in All In than previously acknowledged, should we look at the relationship between Elite and ROH differently? It seems like ROH was duped into helping Elite creatr a rival company 5) Lucha Underground contracts: worst thing ever? They screwed Ricochet, now theyre blocking, at minimum, the Lucha Bros, Joey Ryan and ivileese from signing anywhere


Is Conor McGregor's walk in the octagon a RIP off of vince's arm swinging swagger walk?


I think Riddle is a good bet for a rumble appearance... would be a good way to gauge a broader audience's interest and allow him to toss some people around. What say you?


If velveteen dream is looking outside of the WWE, would he be a top 5 kind of get for an AEW or ROH with his upside and abilities?


Who will Carmelo suit up for next year or is it time for him to retire... hes always been overrated anyways


who is this big signing everyone is going on about that wrestlinginc missed out the report?


is candice lerae well liked backstage because she doesnt seem to feature much?


anyone you see being signed in 2019 thats big?


Long one sorry. When does ROH air? I watched this week’s episode Monday the 14th but it says on ROH website it aired on the 11th. I was confused because I thought at Honor Reigns Supreme the TV episode for the 14th was spoiled because the Brischos still had their belts and on episode they defended against SCU but if it aired on the 11th then it wasn’t spoiled. Also why are Honor Reigns Supreme 10 bucks but others like Anniversary Show, Best In the World, Death Before Dishonof, and Final


Battle 34.95? I’m new to ROH btw.

Jonathan Ma

A few times on this very pod i’ve used the term “indie” as a broad catchall for non-WWE promotions like NJPW and ROH. You’ve made it a point to say these arent “indies” because of their size and financial backing. I know we are generally on the same page but in light of AEW and this mad scramble for talent, should we take a moment to acknowledge the stratification of the wrestling landscape? There seem to be very clear tiers developing: WWE is its own tier, call it tier 1. NJPW, ROH, and (assuming a big TV is signed) AEW are all sufficiently big time in talent, venue size, and financial backing to be lumped as tier 2. MLW and Impact have TV but arent dont have the reach as tier 2, so lets call them tier 3. Progress, REV pro, evolve, ott, ddt are recognizable promotions without TV, but have access to bigtime talent and have established streaming services lets call them tier 4. We can go down the line until we get to small local indies that only operate in gyms. Is this a fair classification system?

Jonathan Ma

The short answer is that ROH tv broadcast schedule blows and their streaming service sucks

Jonathan Ma

Why the hell is WWE keeping Mike Bennett? seems like letting him get overpaid be AEW would be a great move...

Jonathan Ma

More names i havent seen connected to AEW yet but make sense: The New Day and Kota Ibushi. The New Day hit their ceiling ...years ago it seems, and with PG13 restrictions i just dont see what else they can do; there seems to be no interest in pushing them individually even if they stay together. AEW has a built in SERIES of matches that could probably fill a year of events and videos, and they could refresh themselves in a way they never could. We already know they can move merch, and getting a bigger cut of it would probably be serious money. any info on whether the New day contracts are coming up? ibushi has the obvious kenny/bucks connection and has never fully committed to NJPW. he is a noted free spirit; he worked the damn CWC and also regularly fights monster suits and blow up dolls. If AEW gets omega and ibushi, their upper tier would include those 2, PAC and Jericho, which is a hell of a big 4


He should join or re-join Kingdom. I think he was there. I’m new so forgive the ignorance lol.


Any chance that R-Truth comes out at the wrong number? Besides Omaga who would be the biggest surprise to come out at the Rumble for both Rumbles.


SRS Do You Ever See Aiden English End Up Wrestling For 205 Live Like AA Ended Up Doing?


If Finn Ends Up Losing His Match @ The Rumble, Do You See Him Ending Up Doing Double Duty In The Rumble Match & Even Winning The Rumble?


If Asuka Ends Up Beating Becky @ The Rumble, Does Asuka Make It To Mania As The Champion?

Jonathan Ma

Where do we start with NJPW fucking up the New Beginning USA cards? Not announcing cards till a week out (again). No Japanese talent, reportedly because they didnt bother getting visas and couldnt get it done last minute due to the shutdown. per Rovert, they started but punted on setting up a US office and full dojo w/ rooms; we got George Carroll tweeting kermit sipping tea memes. Also, jokes about NJPW calling elite for help on the cards. I mean these cards are ROH tv Taping quality at best. How NJPW doesnt have a US office and staff in 2019 is mindblowing. They have massive expectations to meet running MSG and Dallas, and likely at least two big shows in the back half of the year and they want to expand to markets beyond California; they should have a beachhead in Los Angeles that they can operate from.


SRS What The Hell Are They Doing With Elias & Why?


Are We Going To Get Abyss Vs. The Undertaker @ Mania?


SRS Are We Going To Get To See A Wyatt Family Reunion During Or After The Rumble?


SRS Could You Ever Envision A Heel DIY With ALL Of The NXT Gold?


SRS Does Roman Reigns Return On Sunday?


SRS Will We See Cena Vs. Drew @ Mania?


SRS any updates on AJ resigning with WWE? Any chance in your opinion he jumps ship to AEW?


What do you make of the whole WWE will beat or double any contract offer from any other promotion if you sign immediately?


How long has Alexa been cleared to return? Are we going to see WWE try to get a Babyface run out of her now? Kinda seems that’s the direction they’re headed.


SRS do you think we see Batista wrestle again? He’s kinda been teasing it lately


Ronda Rouseys deal possibly ending at Mania.


Becky being in the Rumble.

Jonathan Ma

Casey just dropped a bomb that Ronda might be done after Mania. If she indeed walks away then, how do we evaluate WWE’s handling of her? If they think she’s walking does a triple threat w/ becky AND charlotte make more sense than a singles match with Becky? If she is out, i would lean towards a singles w/ match to put becky over and truly cement her as a top tier star

Jonathan Ma

What’s the deal with Ziggler? Was it WWE’s idea to transition him out of the ring? If he doesnt want to, isnt that a surefire way to make him want to leave? I mean ROH and AEW are right there


So SRS, The Big Plan Is To Have The Revival End Hawkins Losing Streak Now, Right?


SRS Do You Expect A Big NXT Turnout This Mania Season, Or Do You See The WWE Saving The Mass Of Call Ups For FOX In The Fall?

Troy A Palek

Is the Jojo absence related to the bray absence?


If NXT Does Become The 3rd Main Roster Show Down The Road Once The New FOX Deal Starts, How Long Will It Be Before They Leave The Full Sail Audience?


SRS How Do You Think That Hulk Hogan Would Have Been Booked In Today's WWE & Do You Think That Hulkmania Would Have Even Existed In Today's Wrestling Landscape?


SRS Any Chance That We ALL Get Swerved This Weekend & Finn Balor Surprises Us All With A Newer Demonesque Look, Or Would That Be More Likely For Mania, Or No, We Just Get Finn Balor The Man?


SRS How Would You Book The Women's Division From Rumble Weekend, Through The Chamber, To Mania & Even Beyond That & If It's Ok With You, Do It One Way With Ronda Actually Staying & One Way Without Ronda, Just In Case She Really Does Leave To Start A Family?


SRS any updates on any potential AEW tv deals? Do you think we get something annouced during the ticket event February 7th


SRS If You Had A Say In How Brock Lesnar Would Be Booked, How Would You Book Him?