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In what could potentially be huge news, I'm told WWE "has reason to be very fearful that The Revival are done or finishing up with the company." Retaining talent is at a premium right now in WWE, and some in the company were under the impression that The Revival want out of the company. We're also told that it would be a surprise if WWE would immediately grant a release if requested, as it's always a case-by-case basis.

The Revival are obviously friendly with the Young Bucks, and AEW is a major option.

Dash Wilder hasn't tweeted since Monday, while Dawson has been active on social media. 



What wasted opportunity right up there with Bray Wyatt, Ambrose Heel turn and Nakamuras main roster run.


If they want to keep them they need to pay them real good AND make the tag division and tag team wrestling as whole more prominent on their programming. No wonder they want out look at their booking


Wow. This could be huge.


I Couldn't Agree With You More Simon, Let's Not Forget About The Good Brothers & Sanity, As Well, My Friend, Luke Harper's Run During Mania 33, Matt Hardy's Broken/Woken Gimmick, Which Was Ruined, Bayley & Sasha's Horrible 2018 Storyline & Even Though Finn, Lashley & Asuka Are FINALLY, Getting Their Well Deserved Pushes Now, I'm Still Not Yet Convinced That The WWE, Will Do Right By Them In The End, My Friend, I Mean For Crying Out Loud, Look @ What They Are Doing With Braun's Booking Since IDK, After Losing To Brock After 1 F5 @ No Mercy, Nothing That The WWE Does, Ever Makes Any Sense.


I Think That The WWE Money, May Not Be Enough, For The Revival To Stay Either & You Know That You Can Never Trust The WWE Booking In The Long Run, So Why Even Bother Taking That Risk, The Revival Owe The WWE Nothing.


You Know What Else Is Going To Be Huge, Mr. Warren Hayes, More To Come Or Should I Say, Go, After The Revival Go, No Doubt About That @ All, Let The Mass WWE Exodus, Begin.


Great Read Like Always SRS, Great Stuff From Everyone Here, Let The Games...Begin. :)


Spot on mate. They owe them nothing. I truly believe if WWE had made their tag team scene hot over last 12 months that the Bucks may have considered that deal but why would they come in seeing how WWE is creatively 99.9% of the time particularly when it comes to tag teams.


Mr Hayes and John whilst the Revival could be the first team to jump ship, imagine the scenes when AJ debuts on the first Tuesday night dynamite. Still no deal announced. Now theres a guy who deserves everything h3s about to get after so many years wrecking his body and being away from his kids, dudes about to get paid and only work big shows whether thats with WWE or AEW will depend on Vinny Mac id imagine. He may even get that Brock deal, hes that important IMO


So many missed opportunities for hot angles and characters over past few years. They have failed to establish any real top tier stars cos they refused to push anyone but Roman and now hes away they are reaping the results of that. Hoping Wyatt Family cost AJ the title at Rumble and we get a little Club v Wyatt family feud into Elmination chamber. That be cool.


Oh Simon, MAN, That Would Be, WONDERFULLL, A Club, Wyatt Feud, Would Truly Be Electric!!! :)


Agreed Simon, I Have No Idea Why Vince Has Not Made The Tag Team Division A Priority, Look @ NXT & NXT UK, These Tag Matches Never Fail, NXT UK TakeOver Tag Team Title Match Was Off The Charts Great!!! :)


I could throw together 6 months of shows for Vince and his jabroni writers and i guarntee it would be more enteratining and cohesive than anything they have done in years 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I Feel That The Only Way That The WWE Will Lose AJ, Is If, AJ Wants To Go, WWE Will Give AJ Everything That He Wants, AJ Is In Full Control Here, It's His Call No Matter What, WWE Will Not Let him Go, Unless AJ Simply, Just Wants To Go.


John mate, one if the best matches of the whole of 2018 was a TV tag match on NXT between Moustache Mountain and Undisputed Era. Vince has never been one for tag teams but in 2019 tag teams like women or cruiserweights can draw if booked right and the matches/payoffs are of the appropriate quality. If AEW becomes an actual competitor to WWE then they have nobody to blame but themselves as if you list the talent under contract to WWE its astounding and they have no buisness putting on shit shows or even filler content. Lazy at best, reckless at worst :-)


I think if they agree to his demands re. Dates he will probably stay but if they try to hard ball him, AEW will pay him the Britt Baker money and give him a light schedule. Whilst i agree he will most likely stay Vince needs to tread carefully cos if he goes u have to think guys like Zayn, Owens etc will take notice.


That's Very True Simon, This Is Going To Change Everything, If AEW Does Become Legit, Which I Think That They Will Become A Legit Threat, Who Knows How Contracts Will Be Drawn Out For Now, It All Could Begin With AJ.