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We've had some users mention getting interview with All Elite Wrestling talent, which is definitely in the cards. We had one scheduled for yesterday, but they had to back out because they're required to get clearance from All Elite Wrestling before taking them. They're hoping to get back to me on it this week. Fightful has already interviewed about two-thirds of the AEW roster in the past, so it doesn't seem like it should be an issue, but wanted to keep you all updated.

Speaking of AEW, you may have seen last week that Fightful contributors and WrestleNomics host Chris Harrington was hired by All Elite Wrestling. Chris is a great mind in the wrestling business and worked with us between 2017 and 2018. I felt the need to disclose this information as he often does financial analysis for us, though he hasn't since working for All Elite. We wish Chris the best of luck, and thank him for making my hiring calls look better by the day. You can see his work for us here.




Congratulations Chris, Best Wishes To You Sir. :)