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Do you think Miz will let Shane McMahon sub in for him in the mix match challenge and Shane will end up being number 30 in the rumble


Do you think WWE television have taken a step in the right direction this week with Seth Rollins promo and having Mustafa Ali debut on Smackdown live


Do you think the guys (Cody, Young Bucks) from All Elite Wrestling will be able to put other wrestlers over that are not themselves?


What NXT talent do you see being in the Royal Rumble and would it be a one time thing or an official call up?


Who do you believe will be Lars Sullivan's first feud on the main roster?


Obviously its lookkng like no chance that The Elite are WWE bound anytime soon BUT if these trademarks were the only way to make their signings a genuine suprise, would it be the greatest work ever? If not what is the greatest work of all time?


What makes the new Daniel Bryan so fricking awesome?


If AEW gets a good tv deal, what changes do you see WWE making to attempt to snuff it out? Eg NXT to 2hrs or live


Who should they push to ensure they dont get itchy feet and want to go to aew? Nxt, sdl and raw included.


When will Vinny Mac realise that a 78 yr old is no longer an appropriate creative head for wrestling or sports entertainment in 2018/19?

Jonathan Ma

Do any other free agents have the desire and juice to get a WALTER style deal (i.e. dont need/want to move to Florida and train at the PC or work the Largo loop, but will get to work big shows and presumably cash checks)?

Jonathan Ma

Do you think Miz would make a good manager for Asuka?

Jonathan Ma

Whats Kushida’s ceiling in WWE? Something like Akira Tozawa? Im not sure he has that charisma for north american crowds.


Why didnt Chip n Chad, the vegas boys come down to a Vengaboys pop song from the 90s/00s fame? Missed oppourtunity or what :-)

Jonathan Ma

Have you seen that Wrestle Kingdom 13 card? It looks insane top to bottom. The opener alone, Ospreay v Ibushi could main event any card for any promotion! Seven singles matches and the worst one is likely a 3 star Cody special


Who are some of the UFC talents that you can see successfully transitioning to WWE in the future, should they have the desire to?


Do you think Tyson fury will win the rematch against wilder?


whats happens with Andrade Cien Almas?, does Vince not fancy him anymore or is he on a break?


Will DB still be WWE Champion by WM, if so, who do you see challenging him for the belt, if not, who do you see beating him for the title?


Will we finally continue to keep seeing the CWs challenge some of the Main Roster Talent on a more consistent basis?


Tessa Blanchard, Jordynne Grace and a rejuvenated Taya have been good for the KOs recently on Impact: who do you think would be 3 solid choices to add to the roster and/or feature at the next tapings?


Where do you think Drake Maverick's future lies in WWE: manager or GM? It seems odd that they featured him in a such a humorous light on one show but he's respected and authoritative on another and with AOP losing the belts that quickly it makes me wonder what's going on.


If Cody and the Bucks start their own company, do you foresee who they could feature being an issue? I wonder if the likes of Impact and ROH may have differing opinions on if they want their roster appearing for them or not - All In was a one off but if the new company is a regular deal do owners put the kibosh on it?


Will WWE now do away with the Mix Match Challenge, especially after the way that this season ended up with all of the replacements?


Do you ever see Pac/Neville returning to the WWE & if/so in what capacity, Main Roster, NXT or NXT UK or dare I even say it, as a CW?


Would Holloway v McGregor for title in Hawaii be a good show to book?


With ONE signing deal with Turner it got me thinking, im in UK so im not sure of Turners reach in terms of homes its available too but would it be a big deal for AEW to sign a TV deal with Turner broadcasting?


If it was your choice would you book Fury v Wilder rematch, Wilder v Joshua or Joshua v Fury?


Whether they win the Finals or not, is this KD's Last season with the Warriors?


SRS, in your gut, When do you see Vince finally giving up total control, or will he pretty much have the Final say until the day that he dies?


With the Original Success of the way that they brought up Braun to the Main Roster, do you see Lars having a similar slow showcasing build, or do you think that he will be thrown into the mix, right from the start?


Who do you think has more of a chance of defeating Brock for a title whether it's now or in years to come: Drew or Braun?


If Asuka doesn't win @ TLC, does this end her sudden push?


If Roman does come back in time for WM season, is he right back into the title picture or does he have a slow build to start, like feuding with Dean first?


Why has Drew had a more successful run rather than Lashley, thus far?


Who Has The WWE Ruined More, AOP or Drake Maverick?


Are The Revival Done?


With the current product and storylines, what would your be top 4-5 matches at WrestleMania 35?


If All Elite Wrestling does take off, do you view it as a realistic alternative (not necessarily competition) to WWE and a smart move for the Elite gang? Or is it an impossible uphill battle that eventually loses lots of money and potentially wastes a year or two of their careers? Would they be better served sticking around in ROH/NJPW or signing the big money deal in WWE?


To piggyback off of the last question, there has been some talk from Cody lately that there is a chance the group may not remain intact. I know they promised to stick together, so is this just chatter to maintain interest entering the new year and to work into BTE storyline, or is there some truth and we could be looking at a split up Elite? Who is the most likely to go in a separate direction?


Ibushi vs. Ospreay....is someone gonna die at the Tokyo Dome?


In your opinion, what’s the greatest (realistic) “what could’ve been” (match or program) in history?


Favorite NXT TakeOver matches? My top 3 would have to be Zayn/Neville (REvolution), Zayn/Nakamura (Dallas), and Bayley/Sasha (Brooklyn)


Who is your NXT MVP this year? It’s hard to vote against Ciampa’s heel work, but Gargano has had an all-star year in the ring with multiple instant classics


Which Universal Title Match Would You Rather See @ WM 35, Seth vs. Brock, Drew vs. Braun or do have another match in mind that you would like to see?


When do we get Bray Wyatt back & what kind of Bray Wyatt do we get back?


If NXT becomes a TV Network Show, which show becomes the Flagship on The WWE Network, 205 Live or NXT UK?


SRS, if you had to pick one show to go to, which would it be, The NXT Take Over Show @ Barclays or The ROH MSG Show?


Have you heard anything interesting about what are the barometers that WWE looks at these days for deciding who should be "the man," who should be pushed? (Aside from "the look" that Vince looks for)


Was there ever any substantiated news about the company's current relationship with Batista? it seams like there was a round of news about WWE not treating him properly, but never an explanation for why they are not going out of their way to capitalize on his success


Are there any updates with regards to AJ Styles contract negotiations? How likely is it that WWE will give him an Orton-like reduced schedule and do you think him asking for that can hurt his position on the roster?


Is Adam Cole the most naturally gifted mic worker in the whole of WWE? If not who is?


Do You Think That We'll Get To See The Demon @ TLC?


Who would have the bigger ceiling in wrestling, The White Witch of Narnia as GM, The Wet Bandits as a Tag team, The Grinch as a heel or Scrooge as a manager?


Who are the four faces on your Mount Rushmore of NXT and why?


When do you see the Velveteen Dream getting called up to the main roster, Rumble, Mania or Summerslam?


Where would Ciampa & Johnny Wrestling fit best, The Main Roster, 205 Live or just staying @ NXT?


Would You Ever See Matt Riddle Getting Back Into MMA @ one point?

Jonathan Ma

Tell jimmy van thx for the story


Other than The WWE Channels including Fox Now, which channels would be instant success, in your eyes, if you were running your very own wrestling promotion or would streaming it be the ticket now?

Jonathan Ma

Tyler breeze’s return to NXT: one off, or the start of what HHH alluded to with more main roster guys getting work on network shows? Seems like they should be much more aggressive with this deep a roster


Can You Imagine A 205 Live TLC Match, Why Can't WWE?

Jonathan Ma

Is the upper tier of the indies becoming too saturated to be healthy? With impact, mlw, roh and AEW, plus international partners, CMLL, etc, there are now many companies competing for the same set of wrestlers just outside of wwe grasp. In a twisted way, are the indies canabalizing themselves? Court bauer had a comment about a “talent raid”; AEW is likely to take the BTE cast from ROH...is it time for some company like impact to die already and let others soak up the talent?


When Will The WWE Finally Make The CW Tag Belts Happen?