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What are the advantages or disadvantages to The Elite/AIW trademarks leaking out so far ahead of time?


Will Takeover Blackpool be NXT UK only talent or do you think there will be appearances from current NXT champions?


If Seth Rollins were to face Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 35, would they put Rollins over or let Brock continue his reign of terror?


Do you think Becky Vs Ronda is potentially a bigger match than Charlotte Vs Becky Vs Ronda? I say this as I think Charlotte would possibly take time away from the story that could be told both in pre match build as well as during the match itself.


If/when Brock gets the DC fight, should he lose badly is that him done in both UFC and WWE or will Vince just roll out the chequebook again and add another zero?


Will Ziggler and McIntyre fight each other at WrestleMania to finally give Ziggler a Singles match at WrestleMania or will they stick together?


When is Becky lynch back? Do you think she will be stripped of the title and maybe win the rumble.


The loss of all the power players in the WWE is quite showing to me at least that Creative still doesn't care about the fans. Roman, Becky, Stroman all gone for now. Am I the only one who feels both Smack down and Raw are being offensive lately. (Before this weeks Smackdown)


Why are all of the women in the women's division based off of factions?


With the list and ya boy #100 around the corner and the 'sean vs melisa' hype, i was wondering, is there anywhere we can see footage of sean ross wrestling for real? I saw one clip on youtube vs J Grooms II, good stuff. If not, would you guys maybe consider making some clips, if available, like a patreon subscriber goal down the line?


I know that Bray Wyatt made his return @ Starrcade, but when his return becomes official, will it be as a Heel or as a Face?


If Braun doesn't beat Brock for the title, Will Braun ever be champion?


Will Samoa Joe @least ever be a secondary title holder, Tag? US? IC?


What do you feel about Marvin Lewis FINALLY stepping down as Bangals HC?


Seriously SRS, what is the WWE doing with the Revival?


If the AEW ACTUALLY does become a reality, will CM Punk ever make an appearance?


Where do you think that Lars ends up & where do you think that Lars should end up?


Can DB & the Miz coexist as heels or should the Miz try a run as a Face?


@ this point, which will happen first, the CW Tag Titles or the Woman's Tag Title?


What do you think of LeBron's impact on the Lakers thus far & what would you think would be considered a success for them season wise?


WTH was the point of breaking up Rusev Day, if nothing was really planned for their feud to begin with?


Will HHH wrestle @ WM?


Drew being Champion, before, @ or after SummerSlam?


When will Cena win his 17th Title, in 2019 or 2020 & will his 17th Title be a long reign?


In your heart SRS, do you see Roman wrestling @ WM 35?


EC3, Royal Rumble?


Can you see Aleister Black going to NXT UK, before the main roster?


If Walter, ACH, Strickland are new signees for NXT, do they just add to the roster or do they replace 3 wrestlers headed for main roster like for like and if so, which 3?


Lars: forgotten about in 6 months or do you foresee a consistent push? Would aligning him with a manager help or does he suit being an uncontrollable monster better?


Ric Flair is a two time WWE HoFer, can you see Bret Hart being a 3 time WWE HoFer, it's possible, Bret & The Anvil are a very Hof worthy Tag Team & The Hart Foundation as a Stable is a possiblity as well, what do you think SRS?


They've teased it before, when do we Finally get, Nattie vs. Ronda?


Who would you like to have as your next HC of the Bengals, should it be an Offense minded Coach as well?


Will we ever see Lars vs. Brock?


When that times comes in your match against Melisa SRS, will it be thumbs up, Mercy or Thumbs down, Finish Her?


Just read on twitter that NXT War Games had a larger viewership than Survivor Series, is that correct? It should be


With Fightful growing slowly but surely, have you noticed any difference with how either former employers or other wrestling sites or journalists treat you now? Fightful seems to go uncredited quite often when it comes to breaking news and I was wondering whether you see more retractions or receive apologies as your name recognition increases.


Are there any longforms you have planned that you can talk about or have you been so slammed you just haven't had time?


If there was a fictional character from a TV show or movie you could punch in the face as punishment for them being so damn annoying who would it be?


Has your wife ever seen you wrestle & if so, what did she think about you doing it?

Jonathan Ma

1) Have you been able to confirm the reported new restrictions in NXT UK contracts? I believe we’ve heard thus far: no working with non affiliated promotions, no working without a paramedic present, and no matches against contracted talent to outside promos (ROH, NJPW, presumably) What will the impact to this be on the UK scene? I could see it benefitting individual wrestlers already in the NXT:UK umbrella, as presumably they will get a raise and work fewer days, which is a net positive short term; however, smaller promotions will need to scramble to find talent that draws on their shows, and a few might die in the meantime. Progress seems like they’ll benefit as they’ll have access to talent that other promotions can’t use, so matchups will be more protected; Rev Pro was already restricted from using talent so it’ll be the same for them. 2) On a related note: RevPro is doing ZSJ vs PAC on 1/6/19. This has to be a massive matchup; ZSJ is challenging for the British Heavyweight Championship in front of 40k+ in the Tokyo Dome just 2 days before at Wrestle Kingdom, and PAC is the freshest, hottest commodity on the independent market. They’re doing at the Cockpit Theatre with 400 seat capacity. ZSJ’s going from a matchup with Ishii in front of 40k to a matchup with PAC in front of 400 people. What the hell is Rev Pro doing? Isn’t that a main event for a 5000 seat venue? 3) With Takeover: Blackpool announced, could we see some main roster talent show up? I imagine Becky Lynch and Finn Balor, at minimum, need to be in the crowd. 4) Forgive me if am simply mixing things up, but wasn’t the MYC winner supposed to get an NXT Women’s Championship title shot? There is groundwork for a Toni Storm v Shayna Bayzler matchup from their match at Royal Albert Hall 5) It’s that time of the year: awards season. Any chance of a podcast to discuss this, maybe with a Hawkins or a Hayes that watches non-WWE stuff? I can’t think of many candidates for Wrestler of the Year on the main roster; Ronda has been a terrific rookie and should have ROTY wrapped up with ease; Becky hasn’t had the volume of top tier matches and The Man gimmick hasn’t run that long (and it was interrupted by injury) Outside of the main roster, it seems like there are guys that have better resumes than before: Pete Dunne, Johnny Gargano, Mustafa Ali, and Buddy Murphy all have all racked up high level singles matches. Gargano might have 2 MOTYC contenders, but it seems like how you feel about the Ciampa matches will swing opinion on him widely. Ali and Murphy haven’t gotten buzz because 205 Live doesn’t get hyped enough. Pete Dunne was stuck in a few multiman matches, but he has great singles matches against Ricochet (nonfinish, unfortunately) and Kyle O’Reilly. How would you assess their resumes against each other, and against the non-WWE field? I have Ospreay in the lead, given the sheer volume of places he’s worked, and he’s put up bangers across the planet, plus he has the high profile stuff in NJPW. Naito, Tanahashi and Okada having uneven years really opens up the field. Styles and Bryan have been largely wasted in go-nowhere WWE feuds. 6) Have you had a chance to catch NXT: Arrival? It’s been a great way to get to know Matt Riddle. Who produces this? Borash? Why aren’t they airing these on NXT TV, they’re terrific! 7) Do you see any candidates for a network that All Elite Wrestling could score a TV deal with? FOX and USA and its affiliates seem like they’re off limits, and something like Pop is too smalltime. Could they succeed if they’re on, say, Hulu or Amazon?


With all the 3 man teams in wwe it seems that are being created, does it seem as though that wwe will eventually do a trios/ 6 man tag championship. I do not think so, but it seems they are getting more 3 man factions.


How would you book a invasion angle between NXT and wwe and what guys would you pick from NXT to lead the invasion?


who would you say had the best NXT title regin?


Who from the current roster do you see jumping ship to AEW?


Where do you think that the WWE is going to go with Asuka now?


It looks like it's going to be Rusev vs. Nakamura now, is it going to be FINALLY, RUSEV DAY?


Vince retires in 2020, what's the first thing that, Stephanie & HHH do or is it what's the first thing that, Shane does?


Will Cesaro ever have any success again as a singles wrestler, title wise, or has that ship sailed?


What happens to Baron Corbin after his run as GM?

Jonathan Ma

If/When Progress ever gets added to the “tiered” network...do you think they’ll edit stuff like the Jimmy havoc storyline? There was some axe-wielding insanity...anything currently on the network that out there?


Do you see Jericho playing a role in AEW?


How would you prep yourself, if you were going to go one on one with Matt Riddle, Wrestling or MMA?


Knowing yourself, the way that you do now, could you have handled the daily grind of being a pro-wrestler or MMA Fighter?


If you could only ask Vince McMahon one question, what would it be?


If there were a way to start over again, for some talent, who would you repackage, Male, Female, Tag & Faction?


Who are some of the lesser-known people backstage today who are as close to Vince and involved in the writing process as Bruce Prichard used to be?


Wouldn't you think that a 205 live talent would greatly benefit the product, if they were to be put in a IC open challenge match?


Do you think that NXT UK has the potential to equal or even possibly surpass the current NXT product?


SRS, we're all friends here, did you underestimate Melisa?

Jonathan Ma

On the NXT conference call, HHH mentioned that the San Jose taping was done in part to test out some new filming techniques and get a different “look” in the mix. What did u notice that was difference about the filming? Off the bat there seemed to be way more camera cuts, so is the new shit theyre trying jusr Kevin Dunn in NXT?

Jonathan Ma

Did u have a chance to catch Marcel Barthel (Axel Dieter Jr) v EC3 from this week’s NXT? I thought Marcel was excellent in Progress and was surprised he was never used on TV for basically 2 years. Now that WALTER is in the fold, we should be getting some RingKampf goodness across NXT and NXT: UK right?

Jonathan Ma

There were quite a few names NOT used at the most recent tapings. Are we getting odd, early call-ups, or were people banged up (like the reported Kairi Sane illness)?


Where do you see NXT Going with the Punishment Martinez Character?


Do you ever see Kassius Ohno appearing on to the main roster?


When do we see Lio wrestle on the main roster?


Who will be HHH's, HHH, when he takes over?


SRS, would it be an insult to Braun, if Lars, would become champion before he does?


Once Roman returns, is there anyway possible that the WWE would turn him heel, I know that's a really, really, long shot, but can you even begin to imagine the shock value?

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-26 17:14:23 SRS, have you ever seen Beyond the Mat & Wrestling With Shadows, if so, what did you think?
2018-11-29 17:46:33 SRS, have you ever seen Beyond the Mat & Wrestling With Shadows, if so, what did you think?

SRS, have you ever seen Beyond the Mat & Wrestling With Shadows, if so, what did you think?