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BRING IT ONNNNNNNNNNN! I think if we hit a certain subscriber goal, I may move this to a weekly show. Unsure of what that is though yet. Help us get the word out!



How do you think the WWE will book the super show? Personally I don’t think the wwe will treat Melbourne as another (big house show) like the last Saudi one. If they do the melbournians wont be as forgiving as Saudi Arabia with its booking. I’m predicting at least 2 title changes (joe and buddy)


How would you book Punishment Martinez and where NXt, SD or Raw? Id have him spoil Riddles first big match whether that would be his takeover debut or his first title match.


If you could tell Vinny Mac or HHH to sign one wrestler in the world and theyd listen who would you pick

Jonathan Ma

Who are the agents for the Mae Young Classic? Thus far we’ve gotten 16 matches of varying quality. Some seem very well laid out to serve both participants – the best example in my mind being Karen Mee against Xia Li. One is an experienced independent wrestler that needs to be introduced to the audience; the other is Chinese recruit with only 2 years or so of training that needs to be carried. From their gear, face off, and first few seconds of the match they immediately sold the matchup as a freakin’ kung fu battle off the bat, and as it progressed, they just had Li sell for Mee’s explosive offense, a couple character moments to pop the crowd, and then a quick finish with Li’s stylized kick. It’s so simple, yet to me, so effective. Kacy Catanzaro v Reina Gonzalez – big vs small, simple story, well executed. OTOH, we got some really clunky matchups (the Nox match, the Ariel Monroe match). Seems like the range was quite significant between what worked and what didn’t. Were you as shocked as me at the announcers SHUTTING UP during the Miz/Truth match? I can’t remember the last time WWE announcers just let the wrestlers tell the damn story themselves. It’s the freakin’ Miz, he really REALLY doesn’t need any help, and the silence as he stared down Truth for an extended period was a breath of fresh ear. (Given that it’s WWE, I think its more likely that the mic equipment failed rather than someone backstage letting them go silent to sell the moment) Why the fuck is Asuka the babyface in peril when she tags with Naomi? She had a two year undefeated streak snapped only by Charlotte and all of a sudden freakin’ Mandy/Sonya are in control against her? Worse accent: Lana speaking normally for 90% of the time until she says “Rusev” with a Russian accent, or Zelina Vega jumping from . . . I guess Hispanic to Jersey to no accent? This question is rhetorical but needs to be asked as often as possible: Isn’t Paige the best freakin’ GM in the biz? The charismatic enigma of twitter, rovert, pointed out that NXT deals are 3 years and this influences call-ups. Is this length accurate, and the standard? About a month or so ago, Daniel Bryan remarked that he discovered some sort of “option” at the end of his deal that (he believed) would have prevented him from being an actual unrestricted free agent at the end of Sept, like so many thought. Can you confirm this? I believe you and Wrestlenomics pointed out that contract expiration dates aren’t always clear cut (i.e. Brock and “dates” or “tolling”) Was there some sort of “right to match” period that was gonna kick in? Related question: Daniel Bryan has more than enough money to hire a goddamn good lawyer. How did he not have a guy review his deal and sort this out earlier? Like, say . . . when he signed it? Or hell, a year ago? More related: do any talent have agents/lawyers reviewing their deals? It seems like malpractice if they don’t. Between the actual salary, length of the deal, merch percentage . . . seems like a lot to consider, and that’s before we get into horror stories of WWE boning people like Neville or Punk, as two quick examples A British independent named Kamikaze Pro UK teased PAC/Neville on their upcoming show (Oct 5). Have you heard anything about this? A twitter user actually got a picture with him in England a couple days ago; otherwise he’s been practically a ghost. How has he managed to dodge all wrestling media? I know he’s overseas, but usually there’s a trickle of info, right? (The Kamikaze tease was a graphic that showed a “mystery” four-way battle; a twitter user suggested it would be CM Punk and Pac’s debut; the official company twitter said they were half right) Can we admit that ROH booking and talent management is crap? Setting aside All In example, Rich Kraetch over at VoW went over the guys that had in their “top prospect” tournament the past few years and it’s basically the entire NXT/205 roster. They did nothing with Will Ospreay; they had the top half of Stardom’s roster, plus Deonna Purazzo and Tenille Dashwood and would up putting the strap on . . . Sumie Sakai? Shouldn’t a company with the entire cast of Being the Elite, plus part-time access to NJPW’s roster, plus the backing of a mega corporation, plus their own streaming service be doing WAY better than they are currently? Why the hell is Bully Ray getting so much time in 2018

Jonathan Ma

Are you as amused as I am that NJPW screwed Progress by pulling Ospreay and Sabre off of the Wembley show for C-level event at Long Beach, but WWE is happy to let Bate, Dunne, Seven, and even Riddle work Progress despite holding a million events around the same time? Imagine how insane that Wembley card would be if you Ospreay and ZSJ were on it as planned, it might have been the card of the year (Havoc/Ospreay, ZSJ/Walter, etc)

Stone Philip Osborne

Simple question: Why isn't the WWE taking massive amounts of Saudi money a bigger deal than it is, especially given the overt nature of their relationship. Are we that unconscious as viewers that we'll let something like this slide without batting an eye? The Saudi government is not our friend, or any friend to western culture, as we've already seen with the lack of female talent involved with the Saudi shows.


Can Evolution's return @ SmackDown 1000 mean the beginning of HHH vs. Batista @ WM 35?


If AA, Neville, Rich Swann & Enzo are still @ 205 live, do the tag team titles become a reality?


If Shawn Michaels vs. UT actually happens @ Survivor Series, is it a one off or do you see HBK doing one last run through WM 35 & against who?

Jonathan Ma

Appreciate your efforts doing these, but might i suggest a JIMMY VAN Q&A once in a while? Would love to hear him chime in on a few of these!


Where does Jimmy Butler end up?


Which have you enjoyed watching more of, the 2nd season of the Sinner or what you have seen so far with the Purge TV series?


Does Jay Lethal ever make a WWE run?


Which Bobby turns first, Roode or Lashley & are they both going to turn much sooner, rather than later & lastly, would a heel turn, benefit them both @ that point?

Jonathan Ma

How the hell does one take Ibushi’s standing moonsault where he lands double knees?

Jonathan Ma

With AXS not airing NJPW Fighting Spirit Unleashed, airing most PPV's on a massive, piecemeal delay, insisting on Jim Ross/Josh Barnett, and screwing up the production (missing spots, etc) . . . is it time for NJPW to look for a different US television partner? What are channels/companies that would be upgrade? At minimum, they should be airing all of the US shows live, with Kevin Kelly and Callis or similar quality on the call, and better timeslots for the big Japan shows


Who would be the next Japanese star to come to the WWE?


Does this Jericho Free Agent for hire run end once the cruise is over with?


Does the WWE now regret the way that they had handled Cody?


What moves are banned in wwe?


Are there any moves banned in NJPW?


Will the women's tag titles be introduced or won @ Evolution?