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If there is no law suit with Colt, could Punk have made a brief appearance in the crowd like a future NXT talent @ All In?


Since Y2J is bullet proof, will he appear @ Impact?


Do you think that the next All In could possibly be held @ MSG, if it is actually held in New York next year?


Were you @ all surprised for no Neville @ All In?


Will Cody have a future in booking for the WWE?


Would Finn Balor ever make the Demon or maybe even another character down the road permanent or will it always be a split in personalities?


When will Hulk Hogan make his actual onscreen return in the WWE, before or after Mania season?


Where John Cena is right now career wise, when, if ever, will he win his 17th title & would it actually mean anything, since he is basically a part timer now.


Who's a more likely WWE HoFer, Vince Russo, Eric Bischoff or no for both?


In your opinion which would be worse, another short title rein for Roman or back to back years of not being able to cash in the MITB case?


If Braun actually does lose his MITB case match in HIAC, will he eventually beat Roman for the belt down the road or is it simply not his time yet, if ever?


When Bray returns, Heel or Face & will a Family come along?


How long before WWE makes a move with Drew moving up the ranks?


Will this new direction planned for KO actually pay off in the long run?


I noticed that both after All in and when the BTE crew mentioned their pact that Marty was absent. Any idea why? Could it be that hes more likley going to WWE and they dont want to mislead fans? I know he really wanted to get to WWE when younger unsure if still the case.

Jonathan Ma

What was supposed to be the finish to the All In Women’s four way? Live, i thought the botch was Baker getting too close in a failed save, but on rewatch it appears Green got her shoulder up late as well, and Rayne was also trying to break up the pin

Jonathan Ma

What does Jeff Jarret have on everyone? Old gambling debts, dirty photos, pee tapes?


What did you think of the greatest faction ever video from wwe’s youtube channel?, is shield number 1?


Do you think the young bucks will do all in 2 in a bigger venue?


How long before MJF is NXT/WWE bound?


Do you think that the WWE ever regrets not letting the NXT talent be on the Jericho cruise as originally planned?


What are the chances that Brock Lesnar goes to Smackdown Live once it goes to FOX?


Does Batista come back to the WWE as a Wrestler or a HoFer?


If The Rock actually does come back to the WWE for WrestleMania season, will it just be a one time thing for WM 35, or does he make a couple of stops in btwn?


If Joe does lose his fued with AJ, is that it for him title wise?


Will the Miz ever main event WrestleMania again?


Will Marty be the first to go to NXT/WWE before any of the other Club/Elite members do?


How many All In's do you actually see in the future, could it actually be around in 10 years?


If you ran WWE, what would your offer be to the Elite to get them to come over sooner rather than later on?

Jonathan Ma

i didnt realize this during the build or the match, but isnt the timing pretty convenient for Kairi to win the belt with a Japan tour, MYC2, and Evolution coming up? Not saying its a bad thing, just that no one (i recall) mentioning it during the leadup

Jonathan Ma

Is it wrong that i cringe whenever i see a “hair pull takedown” in a wwe womens match? They’re already restricted by time and work pretty light (compared to other promotions including nxt)

Jonathan Ma

of any promotion, WWE has the least excuse to rehash matchups across events (PPV/tv/international super shows)...but during the last clusterfuck of events (mania, GRRR, whatever) we got a billion Styles/Nakamura matches. How can wwe be this lazy?

Jonathan Ma

How unique is Neville’s situation? He’s been completely radio silent - no tweets, interviews, or leaks. Has any outlet got any line to him? I assume Satin got his news from wwe side source not neville’s side

Jonathan Ma

I was pretty impressed (mostly, shocked) at how well Carmella held up against Charlotte. Where the hell was this before? Did the producer change? Just getting more time for this match? If she toned down the screaming and antics, could she be a more serious heel that wins with than banana peel finishes?

Jonathan Ma

While any nontitle women’s feud that gets tv time should be appreciated, has the Iconica feud already grown stale? They REALLY needed Emma, as a leader and someone who can work at a higher level

Jonathan Ma

Gargano embraces darkness, turns heel, Candace starts wearing black and doing reverse ranas as her finish again, and Heel #DIY feuds with BSS, war raiders, and undisputed era. You down?


Is there anyone in particular that you've wanted to get for Making a Finisher but haven't been able to? If you could have found out the story of a finisher from a wrestler who is no longer with us, who would you choose?


Forgive me if you've already answered this but is the long form on Sean O'Haire still on the go or have you had to stop working on it?


Any chance of any guest stars on future retro commentaries if budgets allow? I'm thinking someone like Stevie Richards who worked everywhere and is very podcast savvy could be interesting for an ECW retro show.

Jonathan Ma

did any champion walk out with their belt on All In? The glaring one was Kenny...with the respective companies signing off, why didnt they use the opportunity to show off their belts?

Jonathan Ma

Pentagon’s “arm breaker” ...man, it really needs to be the finish or directly lead to the finish. i know Kenny did a lefty One Winged Angel but didnt he do about a half dozen more moves without selling the arm?

Jonathan Ma

Were WWE “talent” or “staff” banned by wwe from even being backstage at All In? golddust just tweeted he couldnt make it, i think aldis says mickie was blocked. I get not letting talent show up on screen but not even letting them attend is bullshit

Jonathan Ma

Lets say it’s around January 2019 and you’re the agent for the Bucks, Cody, Omega, etc and you’re at the table with HHH. What are the parameters of the deal you’re asking for? Do you just want max guaranteed money as fast as possible? Do u negotiate merch control and/or bigger cut? Do u walk away without certain creative control? Straight to main roster or NXT first? Limit your dates? I think my first point would be a three year deal max so i can be a free agent again, whether im still or not. The exit door is their best leverage for all else


Is Cody the champ NWA needs but the one they can't afford?

Jonathan Ma

Do you think Cody/Bucks had trouble getting scurll (and frankly, others) to cut their matches down to the appropriate time bc they’re all friends? Seems like it’d be alot easier to light someone up if they werent your buddy. Frankly, Cody/Aldis coulda also cut five minutes easily

Jonathan Ma

I think the variety of All In was a strength - but it’s been pretty well publicized that Cody’s vision of wrestling is quite different from the Bucks’ (or Omega’s, frankly). At some point does this become friction?

Jonathan Ma

Related: I could see NXT avoiding this, but its a guarantee that Vince makes them wrestles singles matches at some point (not against each other, but the trope of building a tag feud by trading singles matches), right? And further tangent....even outside wwe, is there money in Matt vs Nick singles? I mean, test it in a G1, i’d watch that


Still on the go, but the addition of Select has it going much slower than I'


So what's your prediction for when All In 2 will happen, and do they go bigger... Staples Center?

Jonathan Ma

Side note: toward the end of their pod, Dave Lagana on VoW’s patreon exl interview with Rich Kraetch had GREAT insight on this

Jonathan Ma

Post All In has Fightful or Fightful Select seen any bump?


Are you ready for the Purge TV series, some thoughts on this concept being made for television?


Do you think that this Roode & Gable team is legit or is this setting up for Roode's heel run?


Who has benefited more from Drew's booking, Drew or Dolph, Dolph has already had two title reigns & could very well be IC Champ again, what does this do for Drew?


So has Lashley been injured for a while now, explaining his ridiculous booking, since IDK, day one of his return?


What does Drake bring for AoP & is this the end of the Revival's push do to AoP's new, I guess, look?


So can we say Taker vs. Sean @ Mania 35?


OK, so that KO I quit story line was for nothing then?

Jonathan Ma

How long is Bryan’s new contract?

Jonathan Ma

Is HHH santa claus? Progress just announced Riddle is working Wembley against Mark Haskins, which should tear the house down . . . Before Walter-Tyler Bate sets the remains on fire

Jonathan Ma

Who booked/produced this past Smackdown? They made me interested in R-Truth/carmella. Got Tye a solid TV role. becky/charlotte. 20 minutes for DB/Almas. Joe/Aj. Give him/her a raise

Jonathan Ma

in Kayfabe, Paige the GM has booked Styles/Bryan and Bryan/Almas (twice). Best booker ever?


So what do you think of Nike's new relationship with Mr. Kaepernick?


If and it seems unlikley that the BTE crew go to wwe is it a no brainer that they put BTE on the network?


Also iAlso if the Elite ultimately decide to wwe do you think some of their fans turn on them for 'selling out'? Personally i just want them to go where they want too and pays them the most wwe or not.


Hey Simon, this show already aired, but save these for the next one please!!