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The Trish Stratus return was another angle that was played very secretly and close to the vest this week. As revealed on our Raw spoilers page, we'd been told by a couple of people backstage that Elias was going to get interrupted, but it was kept quiet even backstage that Trish Stratus would be the one interrupting him. This is a little different from The Shield's return last week, because that was a complete surprise. Meanwhile people knew Elias was getting interrupted, many just didn't know by who.



That was an awesome segment, loved it!!!


I wasnt a fan of the reasoning that she came out. i mean i get that she is your hometown hero and you can put here up against a heel to maybe build a little heat. and it basically just led into a womens segment. if that was the point, why didnt alexa go to the ring and talk all this about how she shouldnt have to wrestle a has been like trish and call her 60. alexa talks all the smack because she knows she wont see trish till Evolution. "BOOM! Time for rock and rol!" i just didnt see the point of including elias this way. but then again, it was better than lashley, AGAIN. thoughts?