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What do you all want to see more of? Less of? Do you like the news tidbit posting method better than the less frequent, but more packed ones? 





Jonathan Ma

Does Patreon offer any better way to organize content? Right now it seems like I just have to scroll through stuff to find a particular post. I don't think this is a Fightful issue, its a patreon issue


More podcasts as I love me some fightful podcasts. Funny and enteratining stuff.


More interactive pods like q&a, maybe like a youshoot thing where we can ask a wrestler questions etc that eould be hella cool and a great selling piunt for select tho dont call it youshoot ;-)


Name tags for members so TweenerIRL gets our names right. My tshirt better be addressed to Jason or i will be so pissed 😂😂😂😂.


More NJPW talk and id like to see a little slot for MLW on weekender as its gaining traction fast and no podcasts cover it. Ive found a way to watch it now as well so ive watched all 13 or so in a row and really enjoyed them. Also bring back the guest pods with Jeff, trina, DemonDiva Rob etc with new guests tho my favorite was Bix and i wasnt a fan of his before that show even tho i loved his reporting.


Ok, so this suggestion is gonna piss off a few, but oh well... The List and Ya Boy podcast is by far my favorite podcast made by anyone today. I went on YouTube and looked up some of the past episodes and the numbers are strong. That podcast is averaging 3k views a week with # 57 hitting a high of 18k views! With you getting these numbers consistently, you have built a following. Ppl are showing you what they want. So more The List and Ya Boy to Select. My opinion, since you asked, lol, it should be at the $5/ month tier. I would think with proper promotion on your part, and planning.... Plan to make the move 3 weeks from now so you are giving everyone plenty of time, you should be able to at least triple the members on Select within the first month. Shit I would pay $1.25 a week for that hour and a half laugh-fest!!! You could extend it to two hours and on special weeks, run one one Tuesday and one on Friday!! If my numbers are right... which I think they are..... 10% of a non-paying audience will pay for something they like. If you average 3k viewers a week, then we should have 300 new members to Fightful Select. My only other thought is this ( and no SRS I'm not trying to hurt anyone's feelings or make them have to go to their "safe space" and hug a Llama) I follow Fightful.Com and I'm a member of Fightful Select because I love Pro Wrestling. I love MMA. I love Boxing. I actually love a lot of other sports too, but I don't come here for my baseball fix, I go somewhere else for that. I know that you and a lot of other fans on here love basketball, that's cool. But I didn't come here to talk about Lebron. Please let's keep it to fighting and wrestling. And I'm sorry if I offended anyone, not my intention lmfao. I love you guys!!


Oh ya, my shirt size is a XXL!!!


You could have members be guests on the review podcasts. Rotate a guest member every Monday and on ppv Sunday might help members have pride and ownership in Fightful. And the $50 and up tier, they get to choose which podcast that they get to be a guest on, this way you are making that tier even more special.


I like that interactive interview idea where we get to ask the questions. Not sure how easy it would be to pull off logistically, but if it's possible it would be a fun thing.


I'm a fan of the news tidbit posts. It's nice to have a heads-up about stories to watch out for. I'm also, like I said elsewhere here, a big fan of the dark match commentaries. Those and Squash City are great. If you can think of ways to extend that sort of old footage history lesson concept to other things, I'd be all about that.


That's one I'm completely opposed to. I don't want anything that was free before we came up with the concept of Fightful Select to move over. I still very much value our free site and that's one of the major attractions. We added Stupid People Extended and JV's match archives to give that dynamic to Select as well


I'm pretty happy with everything on Select so far - there's a good range of stuff in terms of discussion, news & interviews. The only things I'd like to see would be things like more BroCasts (impossible) or Shane Helms podcasts (expensive) otherwise I can't think of anything!


Russo & SRS podcast, that covers current storylines, fantasy booking, mixing in the old stories in as well, I'd never miss one of those videos!


Another thing i think would be quite cool if there was an oppotunity for fightful Select members to maybe right some short ro medium length opinion pieces. E.G. Where WWE went wrong with Bray Wyatt and how to fufil his potnetial or similar. You never know you may discover some bad ass writers as well.


I'm loving everything on Select. Definitely worth every penny. Would love status updates in doc or spreadsheet form. I'd pay xtra for sortable database of injury status, contract status and end date, what promotions they work for etc