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Hey guys, SRS here. If you all don't mind, let me know any parts of shows you particularly liked, thought were funny, etc, from our Fightful Select catalog. I'd like to put together monthly trailers to promote the service. The more subscribers, the more content we'll be able to put out! Thanks!



What I always enjoy is the storyline discussion and open dialogue about plot holes, what could or should happen and why. I watch wrestling for many reasons but I enjoy the stories and like when alternatives are discussed or why what they did was actually "best for business". I like your input and Jeff's as well but alex comes up with some really great stuff, especially around the cruiserweight and NXT folks. Long way of saying for call ups maybe book out 6 months of storylines and for hot angles or finishes (asuka losing her streak or Lesnar winning) doing something similar...


I just realized I misunderstood the question and you were asking for prior content and not new content. My bad


I'll take either! I always wanna hear what you all want to see. I'm hoping to get Alex involved soon!


I missed the Q & A podcast. By that I mean didn't get to submit question was dealing with family stuff. But I thought of a question I thought was pretty could I hope you or you and Alex could maybe discuss on the Raw show or another podcast. Assuming its Rousey v Charlotte at WM35 how would you book her from now to then feud wise?


I think the stupid people extended with the phone charger cable has to be on a highlight reel even if it's just your facial expression and no audio 😃


Weekender and stupid people extended are sweet 🖒


I love the alternate commentary... gives me a reason to re watch old matches etc.. Maybe an alternate commentary for classic ufc matches? I know it would be hard to do but maybe like a fight companion for big events in mma or wrestling.. Cheers


I'm considering it. If UFC events weren't so long. I'd replace post-show pods with Fight Companions