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 VIDEO:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWVSQ31_G-Y 

Below are some of the questions asked on this bi-weekly edition!

- After the destruction of the Usos and New Day again, it seems like AOP would be slated to face them as SmackDown has no one else. I know the working theory was AOP vs Braun but after the lack of a partner id rather see the smackdown hoss battle. Where do you think the tag divisons are going?

-I thought your comment that what makes ZSJ’s style so appealing despite being “old-school” is the speed with which he works to be fascinating.  i had never thought about that being such a key factor.
I enjoyed CWC jack gallagher’s similar style more bc it was slower and easiee to follow - it seemed exaggerated for show, but to great comedic effect
Do you know where ZSJ trained, and if he trained in MMA?
Who else does this style well thats worth watching?

- Any trustworthy information on Alberto's departure from Impact? Also, who do you think are the top contenders from NXT to graduate to Raw/Smackdown? Not just in terms of who you think is ready, but who would Vince think is ready?

- I was looking forward to Shinsuke Nakamura vs AJ Styles but it didn’t quite live up to the high expectations most had... do you think that is due to them setting up the heel turn and saving a barn burner for a summer slam or MItB? I would think you would want to lay it out at WM but with the less than stellar build leading to heel turn that may be the next step 

-When you take a look how a majority of matches were either sold on the idea of the match will sell itself or like it was on Sunday, we’ll let YouTube do that then TV so my question(s) are, is the social media team the same group of people who work with TV that put these highlight reels like the Shinsuke Nakamura content together and why is it that they’ll spend so long to not attempt to tell a consistent narrative or fill certain holes in either the week of anywhere but Television or on the actual day of the show, time constraints? or is it laziness on WWE’s part and not necessarily the people who put this stuff together as to not intentionally criticise them.

- Was Lesnar retaining the original plan or an in match call?

- Do you think Dana White will attempt to get Ronda back in UFC in the future depending on the popularity of her WWE run? 

- You think Reigns goes over at the Greatest Royal Rumble?

- Is it true they're going to portray balor as a gay superstar, if so, why would they force that gimmick onto him, and not bring up someone like velveteen dream who could pull it off seemingly better? If it's true, is this good for balor, maybe they see him as being over enough with the fans to spin the gay thing in a positive light, or is vince just screwing with him like the same way they make him forcefully smile all the time?

- Do you know where and what the female superstars will be doing during greatest Royal Rumble?  Also if WWE is all about inclusion that Princes money sure is changing that narrative.  

- Your discussion with HHH on the Takeover call about Elias and unexpected successes on the main roster reminded me of a comment by VoW’s Joe Lanza: some acts are “small room” acts and others are “large room” acts.  Elias was apparently a “big room” act that worked better on the main roster than in FSU
Would you agree with this distinction explaining how some talents do better than others when transitioning? 

- What are some acts around the indies and NXT that might fall on either side of this?

-  How many more years do you think WWE will continue to sell how Charlotte and Alexa are the best in the ring?

- Any idea if Regal is OK? 

- Why no hogan on the show?

- What are the odds of Roman turning heel between now and the next PPV?

-Was the hype for the Nakamura/AJ just too high? Because it seemed like that match failed to deliver in almost every way. Or was I too tired and exhausted?

- Is Neville returning on Raw?

- Do you think the hype around about Brock being a chance to take on stipe/DC in 6 months made Vince leave the belt on him ?