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As of Tuesday, PWInsider reported that it was believed that a new deal has not been reached, and while AEW is likely going to be mentioned at the WBD UpFronts, that a new deal isn't likely to be announced. However, after speaking with AEW and WBD sources, we've learned a lot more about the relationship.

We're told that the announcement of a new deal is expected to be kept very close to the vest and Summer or Fall could be a more likely announcement point. The exclusivity window between AEW and WBD continues into the summer, though we don't have a firm date on when that ends.

While we're not sure where it will be announced, there is a pilot for a new AEW-related program with WBD that was set to be announced for social channels this week. It was described as not being a reality series.

WBD sources that we spoke to had indicated that WBD had interest in adding AEW PPVs to the MAX slate for quite some time, and noted that the two sides have been in talks for quite some time about what a deal would look like, with some proposals being made as far back as last year. It was also noted to us that almost every deal that WBD does is with MAX in mind, and that at the time of AEW's last deal with WBD, there wasn't nearly the heavy focus that there is now on the platform.

We're told that if WBD does lose the rights to the NBA, they will be looking at reinvesting funds to maintain their position on cable, as they'll need to look at other properties to help attract viewers. Though we aren't sure if any of that is related to AEW or will affect it in any way.

Both sides were complimentary of one another and the process, based on those we spoke to.


Aidan Sattler

But but but the internet people told me there’s no way they re-signed! Lmao especially with them expected to lose NBA rights, this will be a massive priority for WBD, there is a massive premium on live content especially for cable

Justin Kranites

Actual people in the know of the negotiations wouldn't be telling anyone of what is going on. As usually they sign NDA's and or confiscate devices before big meetings. So any info is going to be second hand. Still its great that Fightful can get even this. I am guessing that the impasse is TK has one Price and WBD has another. Sadly what might doom them through no fault of AEW is currently WBD is 44B in Debt, and is barely afloat as the stock continues to tank. I think Tony should have a back up in case this goes south.