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While Lee Fitting is responsible for the WWE main roster’s production and presentation on television, Fitting does not carry that role over to WWE’s developmental brand, NXT, despite Kevin Dunn previously filling this role during his tenure in the company.

Fightful Select’s Corey Brennan now reports that the man that has filled that gap since Dunn left WWE is Vice President of Line Producing, Brian Fadem. WWE production sources tell Brennan that Fadem would previously fill in for Kevin Dunn if Dunn were absent from a WWE event, and took over the lead producer role in NXT upon Dunn’s exit.

Production sources also tell Fightful that Fadem ‘hit the ground running’ in his new role, with one source noting that “it was like he picked up someone else's tools, cleaned them off and used them like they were new again.”

From a talent perspective, those that we spoke to noted that Fadem is much more open to suggestions from talent on camera shots and other factors of production, with the ruling opinion that Dunn was restricting the creativity of NXT’s production being prevalent within the brand.

However, according to production sources, while Fadem is established, there are other names within NXT who are learning the lead producer role. During the April 30th edition of NXT, Fadem did not lead produce the show, as another name was learning how to play the role of lead producer in NXT.



Sounds good. Everyone is learning and growing. Just makes the production side of things stronger.