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Fightful Select has learned that Scrypts’, formerly known as Reggie, contract is set to expire at the start of June. He's been informed that the deal will be expiring and he will be a free agent.

Fightful's Sean Ross Sapp has learned that Scrypts, who will likely go by Sidney Akeem, plans to continue wrestling and expected his deal to not be renewed.

Scrypts is currently a member of OTM in NXT, and had previously worked under a mask on the brand. Scrypts signed with WWE in 2020, quickly finding himself on the main roster as Carmella’s valet under the name of Reginald. Since then, he has found himself involved in the 24/7 title picture, before eventually moving down to NXT, where he would debut as Scrypts on the November 22nd, 2022 episode of NXT.

Scrypts was recently featured in a Snickers commercial with OTM and Street Profits.

You can follow him at @scryptsWWE, where he has his booking info.


Brian Moore

Sucks, saw his match against Je'Von Evans and he's perfect to pair against the more high flying indie wrestlers. I'll be excited to see what he does on the indies since he never had that chance before


He's decent in character work, can move really well in the ring. I think he has true potential but what he's doing now makes no sense from what we saw. Repackaging can be a great thing, but for him going from silly and goofy and now trying to be from the streets, it doesn't work. Maybe if he was a big guy he could do it, but at his size I laugh when he's on screen now.