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MxM's Mason Madden and Mansoor caught up with Fightful Select for an exclusive interview while on their international tour. The two spoke with Fightful's Sean Ross Sapp from their hotel in Dubai.

The two talked to Sean about their recent trip to Uganda. Mason and Mansoor discussed how the relationship with SGW began. Mason said SGW contacted him after he retweeted one of their videos. They asked about doing some co-promoting. Mansoor said they knew they would be closer to Uganda, so they made it happen.

Mason said that when scheduling the trip, they discovered many of the kids involved with SGW were orphans.

Mason and Mansoor would give Fightful details on how they booked their angle in SGW. Mansoor said when they went to Mukono, Uganda. He said they went to Daniel Bumbash's office and pitched him an angle. He said, "We need the top heel of this promotion; we need Lord White to be putting the beat down on a young rising star that you want to make because the number one priority for our trip to Soft Ground Wrestling was to put over Cool Man. We wanted Cool Man to look like a star."

Mansoor said they wanted him in their mystery angle, and he called it, "Who pissed on Lord White's grave?" Mason said the "pisser" was unknown.

Mason said, "Much like Vince McMahon and Retribution, they didn't know where they were going with this angle. So on that day, we decided, 'Let's put over Cool Man.' We're going to give Lord White a new stable, we're going to get a couple of young, unused talents, and we're going to make them The White Boys we're going to make them look strong."

They noted that Lord White took his first-ever bump while working with them.

When asked what surprised Mason the most about SGW, he said he thinks it is the sense of community for those who do not have families. Mansoor added that Soft Ground Wrestling is their family.

Mansoor told a short story about Vince McMahon. He said the WWE had a piss angle where Jeff Hardy would throw piss on Sheamus; Mansoor said that was one of the only angles that got Vince to come to the ring for rehearsals, and the other was when the Maxximum Male Models debuted. He said those are the only two segments Vince ever personally directed in the rehearsals.

Mason said it would be great for their legacy if they could be a small part of pro wrestling taking root and growing in East Africa.

Mason designed the new MxM shirt and the WWE's Retribution shirt.

You can help support MxM. They have a t-shirt available on ForUrWear.com; all proceeds go to SGW. They will also be streaming live on Twitch. TV/GreatBlackOtaku on May 6 at 6:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, with proceeds going to SGW.

Note: This has been edited for clarity. - Rob Wilkins


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