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WWE had their latest round of releases on April 19.

Fightful's Sean Ross Sapp confirmed that Indus Sher (Jinder Mahal, Sanga, Veer), Xia Li, and Xyon Quinn were all released by the company. Internally, the releases were cited as budget cuts, though we're not sure what was indicated to talent. The talent were informed Friday evening.

When we asked around about the cuts, Fightful were told by WWE higher ups that it was a combination of not appearing on television due to creative not having anything for the talent, as well as upward trajectory based on progression and how long they'd been with the company.

Several wrestlers at Smackdown found out about the releases as the news filtered in. Unlike some occasions in the past, there were not memos sent out to talent or staff that announced the releases. So talent still on the roster found out as they became public knowledge. WWE no longer publicly announce releases, and haven't for years. We've not had it confirmed that this is all of the releases, though other outlets have claimed it was. We've also not confirmed the nature of the contact made with the talent, outside of that it was via a phone call Friday.

Jinder Mahal was at NXT recently, and Corey Brennan is told that he was very helpful and willing give advice to anyone that wanted it. It was clarified to Sean Ross Sapp that Mahal's departure was a release, as opposed to him quitting.

Xia Li worked directly with Shawn Michaels on her story with Lyra Valkyria, and was actually advertised for this Monday's world title battle royal. When Fightful asked about that, we're told the graphics team had not been made privy to the details of the release.

Ultimately, we didn't hear of any situations of heat that would have contributed to the releases, and generally the talent let go appeared to be well liked.


Matt Hennessy

Looking at who was released it doesn’t really surprise me. Triple H strikes me as the type of booker that cares about work rate storytelling & character work. While it sucks to see people lose there job none of the five showed any improvement over the years in WWE after being there for a long time & didn’t fit his vision of WWE. Quinn was someone Vince reportedly saw as a future WrestleMania main eventer once the old man was out of power Quinn was done. Quinn was there for 6 years he was very green & just never improved. Li was in the same boat there for a long time never improved. Indus Sheer had a little push last year when Vince got into creative for that five month period after WrestleMania. Once Endeveour removed Vince from creative & gave Triple H full control Indus Sheer were done with there push. Again they were very green & there were better tag teams who could play the monster tag team role like AOP & Viking Raiders. Jinder Mahal second WWE run lasted eight years & that surprises me. The guy over achieved he got a WWE Championship & US Championship run. Again like the other that got cut he was very green & he didn’t fit with the company current vision. I think with releases under Triple H it’s not going be like before where you get between 15 to 20 wrestlers released a month who are really talented. I think people who are really green who aren’t being used on tv will be released weather that’s NXT or main roster