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“Filthy” Tom Lawlor joined Fightful Select for an exclusive interview ahead of his upcoming match at MLW War Chamber on March 29th in St. Petersburg, Florida.

The former UFC fighter spoke to Fightful’s Sean Ross Sapp. The interview began with Sean mentioning the members of WTF (World Titan Federation). Sean shared a story about himself and Joshua Bishop regarding smelling salts. Sean asked Lawlor if he’d had the same experience with Bishop. Lawlor said there have been times he’s in the ring before a match and he’ll ask Bishop for some.

Sean told Lawlor that Richard Holliday did not know about the rap group D12. Sean asked Lawlor how he could work with someone who did not know who D12 was. Tom told Sean, “I do business with the man; I don’t go to concerts and hang out with Richard Holliday.”

Tom said that even though he had been in a War Chamber match before, he believed that this was entirely different because, this time, there would be two rings instead of one.

Sean asked Lawlor about his return to MLW. He said Davey Boy Smith Jr. was set to wrestle Alex Kane for the MLW World Title, and he got a call from MLW on short notice and was happy to step in for Davey Boy at MLW Slaughterhouse. Lawlor said if there is one person he does not want to get punched by again, it would be Davey Boy. 

Davey Boy missed the PPV because he had to have emergency surgery for appendicitis and his appendix.

Lawlor told Fightful that he was glad Davey made his way back. He said Davey is healthy and good to go. Lawlor did say the first time they teamed was at MLW Intimidation Games 2024; this is where they beat The Second Gear Crew for the MLW Tag Team Championship titles. Lawlor said he dared anyone to find another tag team that could beat them up in a non-kayfabe scenario.

Lawlor would speak about his experience in teaming with Fred Rosser. He said his experience teaming with Rosser was similar to Davey Boy. It was a guy he had fought multiple times. Lawlor added that teaming with Rosser was weird because of their past battles.

The MLW Tag Team Champion said he has been to one professional wrestling seminar, and it was Fred Rosser’s seminar. Lawlor said he respected Rosser, was happy he teamed up with him and hopes he can do it again.

Lawlor said the first time he wrestled Rosser was during the pandemic. He mentioned that he never expected to have any in-ring chemistry with him.

Sean and Lawlor would talk about the early days of NJPW STRONG. Tom said he believed it was the best wrestling going during the pandemic.

Tom was asked about working with Deadlock Pro. He said their shows are awesome and mentioned how their home-grown talent has moved to companies like the WWE, AEW, and TNA. 

Lawlor confirmed that he is not under any contract for the first time in years. Lawlor said he would not make contract plans until he learned more about the UFC Lawsuit. He said he is friends with some of the people who filed the lawsuit but is not seeking any information. Lawlor said this is a big deal. He hopes he is still out there [working] and collecting money from the UFC.

One of his long-term plans is to buy the sixth-sided ring from Bryan Keith. Lawlor said Keith recently purchased it. He would like to run some six-sided shows. Lawlor said this was the six-sided ring previously owned by Black Label Pro. Lawlor would note that this was what he was told regarding the ring.

Sean and Tom would discuss real fights that wrestlers had with each other outside the ring. They would discuss multiple fights, such as William Regal and Van Hammer to Paul Orndorff and Tony Atlas.

Lawlor told Sean that he watches Brawl for All once a month. Lawlor put over Steve Blackman and said the rest of the wrestlers sucked.

In closing, Lawlor discussed working as media for the WWE WrestleMania Kickoff. He said he did not know what to expect at all. The topic of Dana White’s Power Slap show came up. Sean asked Tom if he would consider doing a “worked” power slap match in MLW. Tom said he did not know how it would work but would like to attempt it.

You can follow Tom Lawlor on X and Instagram @FilthyTomLawlor. 


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