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PWInsider reported that some indicated to them that Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley’s TNA contracts may be up soon. The sources that we spoke to claimed that it would be within the month, but inquiries to both Shelley and Sabin directly went unreturned. However, sources near TNA did tell us that they believe it was true. We’ve also heard a little more.

We’re told that TNA’s offers of late have been categorically different than what many were expecting, especially after some of the talent meetings held in recent months. While we can’t speak to the Motor City Machine Guns specifically, we’ve heard that some talent are instead being offered per-date deals instead of full on contracts. We’re working to find out if that is widespread.

Motor City Machine Guns were announced as having signed new TNA deals on March 23 of last year.

Sabin and Shelley are respected seemingly unanimously across wrestling, with Shelley having worked in NXT, NJPW, AEW, ROH and MLW, and Sabin having appeared in AEW, NJPW, ROH and CMLL back 15 years ago


Desmond McDade

I know it's unlikely, but I would love to see them get a run in WWE, I think that would be great.

Kyle Pribila

Per date deals ⁉️ is this for the time being or going forward for everyone on the roster ⁉️