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It's St. Patrick's Day!

To celebrate, Alex watched the unnecessary 2014 Leprechaun "reboot", produced by WWE Studios and starring Dylan Postl, aka "Hornswoggle" as the titular Leprechaun.

And lemme tell ya, Warwick Davis he ain't.

As a matter of fact, this reboot could not hold any less of a resemblance to the original Leprechaun movies if it was trying. 

Which, I guess it might have been, actually.


Kate will be the final arbiter of that question.

She didn't watch the movie, because she is a fraidy cat. So Alex will tell her all about it, leaving no plot hole uncovered, and based solely on his retelling of the story, she will decide if this movie is trash or IS. IT. CINEMA?


THIS. IS. CINEMA? : Leprechaun: Origins | "Starring" Hornswoggle

It's St. Patrick's Day! To celebrate, Alex watched the unnecessary 2014 Leprechaun "reboot", produced by WWE Studios and starring Dylan Postl, aka "Hornswoggle" as the titular Leprechaun. And lemme tell ya, Warwick Davis he ain't. As a matter of fact, this reboot could not hold any less of a resemblance to the original Leprechaun movies if it was trying. Which, I guess it might have been, actually. But IS IT CINEMA? Kate will be the final arbiter of that question. She didn't watch the movie, because she is a fraidy cat. So Alex will tell her all about it, leaving no plot hole uncovered, and based solely on his retelling of the story, she will decide if this movie is trash or IS. IT. CINEMA?


Ethan Carpenter

This definitely wasn’t written as a Leprechaun movie at first and it got the Leprechaun title slapped on to drum up interest in a B horror movie. Same stuff they did with those awful straight to video Hellraiser sequels in the early 00’s

Johnny Cisco

Is this going to be podcasted?